04 August 2008

A Nobel Effort

How driven are you to make your voice be heard? How about biting your tongue, figuratively speaking, while the threat of death hangs over everyone's head for making harmless, satirical comments about your country's leaders? Such a life few of us could live. Yet, thanks to his perseverance, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, who died yesterday, kept writing in secret until he felt the time was right to go public with his oceanic output, driven on like waves on a rocky shore.

When I was a teenager growing up in the suburban foothills of east Tennessee, I read “The Gulag Archipelago,” and felt I'd never know the opposite of freedom in the way Russians and others under centralized, totalitarian, collectivist, communist or similar type governmental authority experienced. When all belongs to all, what belongs to the individual?

That's when I understood who I was to be -- free to think and act for myself, free to place a value on my mind, free to learn about ideas and practices not taught in my hometown, free to climb the social and corporate ladder if I chose, and free to love others with no fear.

I wonder if General Electric, as an individual corporate body, follows a true free trade path of its own. It seems to. I'll make sure my investment portfolio grabs up some GE stock as it continues to rise to new heights after shucking off the likes of light bulbs.

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