25 November 2008

Wearing Off My Fingertips

Well, the world is not coming to an end this week but boy, I tell you what, I'm not sure about some of my stock picks. I thought Rio was a good long-term buy (and given a long shot for a robust recovery of the economy by 2012, it will be) but news today implies that Rio's debt sinks the company like Somali pirates after finding a ship full of jungle camo parkas -- with no ransom, to boot.

So be it. I want cheap stocks to buy and that's what I get. Rock-bottom, in the cellar, down in the mine shaft CHEAP!

Anyway, I haven't had a lot of time to search for good stock deals this month. Instead, I've let my fingers fly over the keyboard piling bad phrase upon tired anecdote in an effort to complete a new novel for NaNoWriMo 2008. And I did it! Since I now have no fingerprints after typing like a coffee-coddled medical transcriptionist for the past few weeks, maybe now's the time to start of life of crime. Just kidding. In any case, mission accomplished for this month -- 53,467 words and counting.

Time to start thinking about a delicious lasagna meal for Thanksgiving!

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