07 July 2008

स्तोर्म्स, कानाल्स, एंड रोच्केट्स

Dream last night। Drive down to Florida to stay in resort B&B not far from Mom and Dad's house in North Port. Large rain storm the day before we arrived so canal and ditches filled to brim with runoff. Spend the first day getting settled in -- many hours used in deciding which clothes to put in drawers and which clothes to leave in suitcase. At the end of the day, I dive off third story balcony into lagoon area of canal behind B&B. Have fun swimming with humans and water animals at dusk, nighttime and at dawn the next day.

Drought sets in। By fifth day at resort, canal area near B&B drying up so Florida implements drought plan. I swim with other humans to direct dolphins, killer whales and other large water animals out of upper canal and on down to Everglades canal system. Informed that smaller fishes in upper canal will die in drought as part of natural process.

The canal flows under homes and floods some basements at times so while I use poles to direct killer whale away from dead end areas of canal, I swim not only under bridges but also through houses and see kids' basement bedrooms under water। One kid has a large rocket he built.

Later, I find myself at a temporary campsite along a roadway। Some of us build rockets to launch for 4th of July celebration. I've built a tall mockup of the Saturn V made of styrofoam, which passersby see many blocks away. Others copy my design but use more appropriate rocket building materials. I decide to make my rocket eject and display a large U.S. flag during the 1st or second stage. All of our rocket building gets the attention of some unknown government entity which wants to see if any of us can get our model rockets into Earth orbit. I know mine can but I see bad weather coming and leave the area on foot.

Find myself on motorcycle racing to get home before another large storm system ravages the Southeast. Roadways washed out all along my trip. I get to mountain pass where bridge and mountainside completely gone. I work with others to find path along treacherous dropoff. Local female resident gives me directions to possible mountain pass. My motorcycle tires barely fit on edge of ledge, which crumbles to pieces as I speed across. At one point, I jump from bike and leap from one rock outcropping to another to get across ravine. On other side, I realize I left my motorcycle behind so decide to jog the rest of the way home through the rain, since I need the exercise anyway.

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