19 January 2009

Every Day Is Special

I dedicate this day to a coworker and friend of mine, Jay Hereford, who taught me many moons ago that the color of your skin is irrelevant to what you can or cannot accomplish. Jay, I still remember sitting at home after calling in "sick" and watching the Million Man March, listening to the convoluted speech by Louis Farrakhan and feeling glad that I live in a country that has made so much progress in allowing free speech by people of all colors on the national stage. Along with Joyce Battle and Jackie Crutcher, you let me be me so that we could enjoy a work environment without undertones of racial bias so prevalent in certain workplaces of the South.

I wish you never had to call in sick to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr, Day. May tomorrow and the rest of the term of U.S. President served by Barack Hussein Obama be a blessing to you.

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