02 December 2009

Cracking Open The Geode

A longtime friend asked me if I'm really as happy as the facebook illusion that people tend to believe.

My response:

Dear friend, thanks for asking. You are certainly a person who knows what I once went through when I didn't understand how a body works, including the complex interaction of brain, glands and thoughts that produces the output we call emotion.

I used to think I was crazy and now I just accept the fact that I am crazy, in that my thoughts are more convoluted than most of those with whom I grew up. Accepting that fact has made me happy.

Living with others around me does not always create happiness but then again that's life, isn't it? We learn to accept what we cannot control (cue up an Irish jig and imagine reading the serenity prayer at this point). I've reached the point where being told I'm the most unique person my friends have ever met is a compliment of sorts rather than a backhanded insult, even if it really means I'm not normal. I have made a comfortable living for myself, put away a good bit of money for retirement and enjoyed my years with my wife who, as my friends often remind me, knew who I was but married me anyway.

So, to answer your question, yes, I am happy [being who I am] but I am not always happy about the daily situations in which I find myself wondering why I feel like Groucho Marx who won't join a club that would have people like me as members. In other words, I am like most everyone else like me on this planet, believing I'm unique and misunderstood, finding solace in the serenity of being alone with me surrounded by the wonders of the universe which never cease to amaze me. By being me, I get time to create my own version of the universe - I really can't ask for much more than that! I want to share my version with others without them wanting to turn me into someone/something I'm not. I'm the average person down the street, like the the quiet millionaire next-door who doesn't want to make money off selling my dreams. Instead, I'm willing to put my dreams and ideas out there for anyone to read for free and enjoy the happiness of being unique together with me.

Meanwhile, life is a treasure hunt and gems like you keep me looking forward to the next moment.

Now it's your turn!


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