20 December 2009

Positive Affects

If you believe in the condition called an emotional state, then you probably believe in happiness. How do you measure happiness? Well, a website called facebook has data engineers like Adam K discussing and measuring happiness.

Maybe you can draw happiness on odosketch? [thanks to a fellow blogger I follow for suggesting that one]

Today, I sang happiness with others - friends like Leon and Flo and David - in our recitation of seasonal songs. We listened to Hal's opening line of jokes which led to a brief, but serious, dissertation on a series of repetitive ancient texts, reminding us that no matter what we think, we're just the keepers of this planet for the next round of folks who're coming up behind us.

Repetition is not bad in and of itself, as long as we keep finding something new while repeating - hearing a new song or an old song for the very first time, feeling a new emotion or an old emotion more deeply, discovering a new idea, or warmly holding/hugging a new appreciation for our lifelong friends.

My niece, a nurse, taught me a new phrase, "hospital psychosis," a condition where a patient/client becomes disoriented while in the care of an institution of healing. Not all affects are positive. Negative affects can help us learn but avoid too much repetition. Everything in moderation, including institutionalised healing.

We received a surprise holiday email from the folks at Munster Rugby - we return our holiday greetings to you with well wishes and many memorable victories in the New Year! Although college/pro American-style football dominates the news here (not to mention our watching the last-second victory by the Steelers a little while ago, which reminds me that I haven't been to a J. Buck's in a while, before Schneider bought APC, as a matter of fact), we still cheer for those who give their all with no time for advert-based breaks in the action. Who is that puny Perpignan, anyway? Final score, Munster 37 - Perpignan 14.

Another day closer to opening a gift that contains a portable Yamaha...well, shouldn't state what I know I'll be opening yet, should I? Look surprised, I will! Gift-receiving emotional outbursts of joy are just as important as gift-giving, if not more so.

Another day closer to ending this book of a blog, the World Wide art of Writing, Science, Fashion, Math, Music, Politics, Sports and Finance. Another day closer to opening the universal intranet that ties our solar system closer together and puts our galaxy a time warp, just a jump to the left and then a step to the right, away.

Time to sit back and think about the flavourful sushi appetizer and tofu curry main dish I ate at Surin earlier today. Double scoop of coconut ice cream...mmm... Speaking of which, another nod to Amanda at the Main Dish - we'll keep coming back for more, including that Louisiana tabasco sauce and maybe a slice of Black Forest cake. Guess I need to get a copy of my niece's husband's book, the Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide, if I want this body of mine to be able to continue to walk under its own happy weight!

Glad that new friends and old friends stay in touch.


  1. I definitely do believe in emotional state and happiness :) Although I am yet to really experience the latter... I'm on my way, I'll get there.

  2. Happiness, as the saying goes, is the journey, not the destination. You believe you are happy and then you are happy. Simple but true! In fact, the simpler the better.
