18 December 2009


A - Attention. A word meant to focus others on you. [See "Cry Wolf"]

B - Bear. A large, furry creature meant to test the "Darwin theory" about survival of the fittest, especially when two or more drunk people encounter a grizzly bear in the woods (remember, you don't have to be the fastest runner, just faster than your buddy).

C - Cry Wolf. A situation where one has overused a phrase overused a phrase overused a phrase and lost the attention of one's intended audience [See "Typical skit endings of SNL"]

D - Darwin Theory. The proposition that an isolated pocket of humanoid bipeds will, given enough time and space, evolve into social class structures similar to but distinct from other isolated social class structures; when any two isolated social class structures meet, the one that guarantees the best return for the investments of the newly-combined social class leaders will be the one that survives. [See "Bear" for alternative explanation]

E - Ending. Where one appears to know when one should put a period at the end of a sentence at the end of the paragraph at the end of the chapter at the end of the book. Assuming one has found the end.

F - Final Try. This blog entry wraps up this blog by proposing to crossbreed the privet bush with a nutritious berry bush and overpopulate the banks of local creeks and rivers with delicious bird food bushes so that local volunteers can spend their time not worrying about nonnative nonnutritious foliage. A set of nods to Flo (who is seeing Robert, beer aficionado), Esther (and her son's reference to Buckhorn Beer), Tom (a barkeep at 801 Franklin), Rick the chef and the servers at Around Your Table restaurant (a nice secret inexpensive eatery in Big Cove/Hampton Cove), the cashier at Mike's Merchandise (hope the Goody's powder did the trick), the security guard in the garden department at Wal-Mart (thanks for the stories about sneaky customers - just when you thought you'd heard them all!), the folks at Art Etc. (who created two wonderful framed wall art pieces for us) and last (but by no means least!), Margo at Publix (did you get to enjoy the new garden pasta?).

G - Great walk in the woods yesterday:

17th Dec 2009, 13:45. Sitting on a lichen-covered rock, a natural bench. Strands of barbed-wire fencing snaking across the ground of leaves and twigs, growing out of the middle of tree trunks as if by magic. Walking the property behind my house. The fence line probably denotes property purchases through the years. People marks of long ago.

Thin layer of clouds overhead. White, tinged with stainless steel gray, the sun a washed-out yellow blotch just setting over the hilltop.

People sounds - airplanes, two helicopters, motor vehicles (road-based) - making their presence known over my hissing ears.

Leafcup alive and doing well. Frost-damaged grass, like miniature swamp bamboo. A buzzard circling to the NW. Gray squirrel on gray rocks. A cool, gray day.

Power towers nearby. Bleached snail shells. A crow calling to friends. Robins in a cedar tree. Prickly pear, bloomin' sedum and ferns on rock pedestals atop the rocky bald. Deer prints in the dirt.

All the comfort and familiarity of one's home woods in the suburban jungle.

Above, a video capturing images from yesterday's sojourn atop Little Mountain, set to the guitar music of Andrés Segovia, playing Suite for solo cello no. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: Prelude by J.S. Bach, and the piano music of Youri Egorov, playing Estampes: Soirée Dans Grenade by Claude Debussy. Images frozen in place by the Elph (Canon PowerShot SD1000), a handy pocket cam for those like me who don't have an all-in-one Swiss Army mobile phone that slices / dices julienne fries and happens to make international phone calls while filing your nails and working out your horoscope to 20 decimal places to help you decide if your new boy/girlfriend will dump you just before the holidays to save money on gift giving.

[Glossary to be continued because this book of a blog just won't end...]

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