- Deconstructive dadaism. The anti-novel. Saying "NO!" to commercialism. What happens when an author falls into the book s/he is writing? The ennui and repetition of life seep into the story, too.
Here's the first part of the book:
The best way to tell the truth is to lie.
You see, that’s why the story starts like this. My name is Max. My full name is Maximilian Esophagus Mize. My childhood friends call me Gus. My enemies know me as Max. E. Mize (yeah, that’s right, the son of an efficiency expert).
And to keep you from wondering where this story is going, let me tell you, I ain’t much of a storyteller. I also call myself Bruce, Lee and any other name I feel like. I know a few tall tales, like this one, for instance...
Here's the last part of the book:
How do I know this? When you’re a ghost, you get to learn a lot of interesting facts otherwise hidden from mere mortals. Haha haha ha!
The rest is up to you to read. I've got to go work on my teaching skills for a while, adding a third class to my list of lectures over the next three months: Introduction to Personal Computers. Time to get out my tap shoes and start dancing! See the rest of you instructors at orientation and in-service tomorrow.
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