03 November 2009


Freedom from the moment. The chemical smell of prêt-à-porter clothing. The slow crunch of plate tectonics. A friend's wishful kiss from 30 years ago. The kiss of a great-grandchild 30 years from now. Liver spots. Acne. Bald infant. Bald elder. The paunch of middle age. The pounce of an infant.

Love. Romance. A lingering look. A flirtatious glance. A flower petal. A secret note. A dance in moonlight. A sunlight stroll.

Fixing gutters. Inflating tyres. Reinstalling laptop software. Washing dirty clothes.

Everyday. Ordinary. Love hidden in the mundane. The ironed shirt. The polished minivan.

Exciting. Thrilling.

Burning. Passion.

Dinner for six. Party of one.

Brevity. Bravery. Bright. Brought. Breathless.

Soft. Velvet. Light touch.

The shape of a mouth by the turn of the teeth. Natural. Luminescent.

Serene. Quaint. Whispers.

A sentence of spaces. A plethora of periods.

Dot. Dot. Dot. Dote.

Zanzibar. Excalibur. Shangri La. Atlantis.

Insomnia. Ammonia. Onomatopoeia.

Those eyes. Those eyes. Those eyes. That smile. Those eyes.

Muscles. Tissue. Cells. The whole is more than the sum of the parts. That face. That look.

Your persona.

The equational linguistical equatorial linguiniful questionunfull believable. Sounds you hear.

One. Two. Two. One. One life. Two. Count. Days filled. Thoughts filled. Sepia toned. Dusty road. City. Country. Name a century. Set the mood. You and him. You and her. You and you. Her and him. You. Him. Her.

Waltz. Iambic pentameter. Carol of the Bells.

Flip-flop. OR. NOT. AND. Clock. UNIX epoch. Belle Époque.

And. Still. Only. Words.

Words are not the same as emotions. A wrinkle speaks louder than words.

Madame Curie. A. G. Bell. H. G. Wells. Chiang Kai-shek.

Can you remember your piano recital from fifth grade? Your best friend's favorite music at the time? Your favorite shirt? Your mother's favorite birthday present? Your father's shaving preference? The eye colour of the boy or girl who had a crush on you?

Do you see the future of transportation? Do you see the next stock you'll sell? The next deal you'll close? The average growth of your investment portfolio?

Do you preach what you practice? Do you sow what you reap? Do you take care of your combine? Do you safely store your seeds? Do you drink rice or eat it? Do you bake wheat or ferment it?

Do you count off for misspelled words or credit the student for creative sentence structure?

Do you swallow your food or take the bus? Do you find freedom from the moment?

Do you?

If a ring implies a circle, what is a C-ring?

An imagined, unfulfilled romance lasts longer than this poem. More elegant. More elastic. More elegiac. More mores. A perfect endless line drawn by a radius. A PNP transistor that never fails. Free of words. Free of the moment. Everlasting. Infinite.

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