08 April 2010

Blue Tail Flies

Silence is a killer.  We stepped back and let the system run by itself without our input, watching and waiting.

Phrases on the computer screen:
  • "Dewey and his crew at Trent Remodeling put the mod in remodeling."
  • "Aaron is a smartass away from the Acropolis."
  • "My ... name ... is ... Melinda ... on a clear day ... and ... Theresa ... when ... I ... can't fix your problem."
  • "Developing for China, the world's largest market - what will their consumer products exported to the U.S. look like?  Will we recognize a reworked version of 'Anne of Green Gables' when we see it?"
Do you actively seed discord and discontent in order to stir up anti-nation nationalism?  Or are you interested in fads and fashions in order to stir up advertising revenue?

We listened to the SSDs stir up trouble in their neighbour's room-sized post-"meeting" shower room filled with STDs.  Anyone have an SUD or SVD to spare?

Analysis and backwash produce culture.

There's no final outcome when running a planet full of seven billion people.  No final reward.  No closing the books on the game and starting a new game.  The play is perpetual.  Sometimes the back room operators get bored when the game of life is the only game in town.

We sat in silence and didn't tweak any settings, letting new players show themselves.

"My name is Candy."

"My name is Sandy."

We placed a few tracking devices on the submersible sailing vessels.  The desktop icons refreshed automatically.

How do you compare a nation-state to sleeper cells?  Follow the ideology spoken at the "fresh breath" mint factory.

How many tens, dozens or fourteens are willing to die to maintain a revolution?  Depends on how dire the count, wouldn't you say?

We saw the players playing.  We have little to compare the management of a quadrillion to a few hundreds in our pocket.  Do they?

Do we open the Book of the Future together this time?  Us?

Millions of military personnel indoctrinated to fight for the homeland(s) and defeat the enem(y/ies).  How quickly can we reprogram the indoctrination?  How many will see during the transitional, transitory retraining that the enemy is them and rebel against themselves?

What's the difference between an SLA and the SLAC?

How many use an AK47 instead of an AK74?

We will not touch the automatic controls for a while and let the system run its course until a major course correction is needed.  For us, peace and war are the same thing - change.  See you a few moments from now (or to your senses, see you after many minor/major changes have occurred).

Remember, clouds do not exist - they're all figments of your cultural indoctrination.

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