09 April 2010

Degas Degauss de Gaulle Degausser

Stood outside.  Couldn't separate the life of a tree from the life of an ant or a woodpecker.  Saw a whippet tail of a Mandelbrot mandala spread out into the arm of a slightly-dense part of this spreading part of the universe, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs playing along with a glass of 2003 Cynthiana ruby vino.

How many times have I been here before or will I be here after that moment?

Cycles and repetitions happen with or without me.

Dim, poor, nonreassuring reminders ... sigh ...

Some alternative bands put the "emo deli" in remodeling.

To know you're here to leave a portion of a message for someone (or something) hundreds or thousands of years from now takes the patience and anonymity of a seed tick.

Do you see yourself as part of a red algae bloom?  How about a rain event or a lightning storm?

Slicing the block of cheese into slivers into shavings into cultured cells ...

What does a bumblebee "see" in its memories?

Reach puberty, give birth and die - what else can a living thing ask for?

If milk of our species could be produced in large quantities via genetic modification, creating a new trans-species not quite human, would you rather consume the "dairy" product of the trans-species (which ensured an optimally high nutritional value) or a pure cow or goat species (which provided the current marginal nutritional value we've culturally taught ourselves to enjoy)?

Breaking down the barriers of cost/benefit analyses for all types of living.

What is a cultural taboo?

Living off the "fat" of the land - if a planet's moon was abundantly covered in a substance or form of living organism which only became food for us after we made major genetic modifications to ourselves living on that moon, would you move there knowing the genetic modification was a one-way change?

Would you continue to explore the universe with electromechanical devices to lower the overhead cost of space exploration associated with the life support systems needed to keep our non space-hardened bodies alive?  How many such robotic "beachheads" will you establish before enough wealthy people would pay to risk their lives to visit some of these space exploration outposts without exceptional costs to the general public (i.e., without government funding)?

In other words, where do you put your profits?  Are you a locavore or a planetary explorer?  How much money do your local leaders spend on monuments to themselves, including both "pure" statuary and community development projects?

Dogs barking at a person riding a horse slowly trotting down the country lane.  Words used to describe a scene without using proper nouns.  The dogs, the person, the horse, and the country lane are not heroes, megalomaniacs or narcissists.

Do you value vanity or altruism?

If language/symbolism got us here, should we use language/symbolism to get us there?

Did a person named Haley see a comet named after Halley?

How many ways can we use the plastic, malleable central nervous system that includes our brains?  How many ways will we emulate and surpass the uses of that system?

To deprogram oneself after absorbing all that this planetary ecosystem has to offer, one seeks a nonduality with multiple angles that creates the self-vs-nonself duality anyway.  So, should we train ourselves to not have a self in the first place so that all is nonself?

Good to hear private planes in the air again.

Should one celebrate having no more metallic tooth cavity fillings?

When the tilt and wobble of one's home planet causes the variation of trees sprouting/shedding leaves and plants blooming/dying on different parts of the world, can we convince/assure ourselves that asymmetry causes life so we can quit bothering to conform to one another's pressure to conform with each other's behavioural patterns that we think leads to higher survival chances?

A few more days of letting change happen before opening the Book of the Future again.  The future happens whether we know about it or not.  The inertia of life speaks for itself in many forms, a tiny part of which we call social patterns of our species.

How long before automatic software analysis programs see problems in the real world and write programs and/or create electromechanical devices to solve them automatically/autonomously?  The software programmers working for me see that day getting closer and closer as they automate more and more of their software development and testing routines while they increase their financial holdings with investment software that gets automatically more sophisticated everyday.

Where do I put my profits?  Well, what does 10% unemployment mean to me?  It means that automation has made 25% - 50% of our species redundant.  Do I invest in reducing the redundancy through retraining or invest in raising chaos that will cause another world war (or increased regional skirmishes) and reduce the redundancy through war casualties and collateral damage?  I'll let you in on a hint to the answer: I peeked ahead in the Book of the Future to find out: I remain anonymous while my profits create changes that a lot of people won't be happy with.

For those of you who have their own Books of the Future, let's tell the others the facts.  If you have a job that you think is boring, then using a person to perform your job duties is unnecessary so we're going to automate your job.  You can either change your lifestyle habits to squeeze profit out of your wages while you still have your boring job and invest in automation, or you can become redundant and live at the mercy of constant retraining / war attrition / despondency.

As always, the choice is yours.  Some of you will ride rockets into space and some of you will decrease your standards of living to comfortably and quietly live anonymous lives off the slivers and fat of the land.

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