03 April 2010

Where is Qaddafi when you need him? [Not written for the little ones]

Twelve years in captivity - is that a moment worth rewarding?  An ark or a fark or an aardvark?

Talking with a couple of new friends about a family relation living in Hawaii and Tommy's son, Brian, who moved from Hawaii to the mainland and Stella still at the gas company.  Meanwhile, John and his blue-eyed beauty working a sale for friends whose trading post business suffered an inconvenient fire.

Do you place more importance on party funds or money to educate your kids?

Do you retrain yourself constantly so there is no such thing as future shock on the job?

Janice at the checkout line.

Vickie, Jade or Adam?

Oh, Henry, O Henry or Oh Henry's?


Common tally view?

How long should a $325.99 electronic typing device last?  I can't remember the difference between obsequy and obsolescence.

I've lost touch with my inventive friends.  Tell me, my friends, what's next in what's next?

What is the next automated process that will put all automated processes out of business?

Pardon my American but I want to kick some ass.  Who appears to be in my way this time?  Ah yes, I forgot.  I am unimportant.  Who is in the way of someone important and deserves a good lesson in getting out of the way?  Humour me.

To write about nothing requires something to make nothing about.  Or is it nothing to make something about?

I do not compete.  I complete sentences.  Your sentence is not my sentence.

I am a peacemaker who finds a roundabout way to get around to making peace.  There's the whole bloody issue of dealing with the whole population and seven billion wants and needs, a few dealing with peace, the rest dealing with dealing with making deals.

A vehicle slowly passing by the house is so obvious about the driver's sneakiness.  Why do we think a 3000-pound automobile has anything to do with stealth?

You have no idea, do you, why you're really here?  If you only knew ... but you don't get to find out so there's no difference between acting on what you pretend to know and not knowing what you're doing.  Inaction is action so quit fucking around and do something, willya?

To work through the phases of temporary knowledge about all knowledge is peanuts.  If there is no point in knowing everything, then there's no point to make but it's not pointless to have the knowledge to point the way temporarily.

A switchboard operator whose job has been automated by a little box.  My point is to ask you, "How do I become a little box myself?"  How does an oracle rewrite itself in perpetuity via automated means, names and faces and fame no longer necessary?

When the future is automated, then what do you do with your idea of freedom?

If your opposition to the status quo is accurately predicted, how do you fight the facts that you're part of a larger status quo you don't readily see?

Remember, no future is guaranteed because all futures will happen.

When your child perfects an art or craft for which you have no skill, talent or drive, to whom do you credit (or blame) the child's lack of carrying on the parental habits?

If you accept your place in the bigger picture, regardless of how large or small your role in this planet-sized ecosystem may appear, then another world of possibilities opens up to you.

Server # 7 at Pal's is just as important at the 7th richest person in the world.  Really.  Take my word for it.  The world is the world because of both of them.  Misery, happiness, health, disease - every person feels these in equal measure but we rarely have the insight that shows us our equality.

The next generation comes into play, pushing aside the Pixies, Dinosaur, Jr, Alice In Chains, Rage Against The Machine, the Judybats, and classic hiphop hipsters.  What will you do with the post-facebook universe?  Who in your generation will found the company that replaces Google?  When you reinvent what it means to be a person, what is your definition of being personal?  If all your social media connections say all there is to say about you, how to make a deeper connection with someone?  When social media software automatically connects you to people like you who want to be around people like you or people you like or mutually dislike with disdain, then what's next?

When predictive software predetermines your predictive social patterns, including your new friends, new places, new foods and all the so-called private personal discoveries you think you make, can you or will you break the patterns?

How much of what you do is new now, perfect predictive social pattern software not yet perfected?

This is a small planet.  There are only so many choices we can make in our lives that haven't been thought about, discovered, commercialised and packaged for you to choose.

So, what to do ... what to do?

Embrace your place or feel miserable about who you really are?

Choose the first, knowing full well that your talents and skills you've developed, no matter how predictable they seem, are YOURS!  Just because being unique is predictable takes nothing away from you being uniquely you.

Billions and billions of cells that have differentiated in order to create one person.  Billions and billions of people who have differentiated in order to create one thriving species.  Billions and billions upon billions of organisms that have differentiated in order to create this living planet.

The next generation grows up with everyone naturally looking into the lives of everyone else, changing the definition of privacy which changes the definition of what it's like to be unique.  Every lifestyle choice, every body strength/weakness, and every training path that leads to special skills or highly-developed talent will be available for view by all of us (many predict we'll next "download" any one of these into a body instantaneously).

Therefore, this generation gets to peel the onion some more, find out where closed-door meetings take place and "sunshine law" breakers reside.

When competitive advantages are exposed to the light, what is the time and place scale that creates the next set of competitive advantages?  Is it a final shift in patterns where we say "cooperative advantage," instead?  Then, the best competitors will be the ones who operate out in the open and the coolness factor of an Apple iPad is overrun by the uncoolness of an Apple that uses manufacturers who abuse people to make products convenient for others who now know better than to support supply chains with hidden problems?

Will the next generation demand products that provide holistic social solutions?  Guess what the Book of the Future predicts about that one.

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