11 April 2010

Mama Cass' Carcasses

Small, gnat-sized insects tap the surface of the backyard pond.  Hard to believe a few weeks ago I could see the sky through the bare branches of the trees now nearly fully leaved.

Mountain phlox and mayapple blooms peak up out of the underbrush.

The purple dogwood has seven blooms this year.  Last year several dozen.

The hawk finds a spot to perch above a feeding squirrel.

Life under the canopy of suburban woods.

The more efficient the automation, the faster the response time of the superorganism.

Ears buzzing so loud these days, I can't hear a clock alarm or a cat purr.

How deep is black?  When you can't tell the difference between real life and a book of fiction.  Can Elvis Cole solve this one?  A peaceful overthrow in one piece, one fell swoop, for once.

How depressingly funny or mildly humourously depressing can a flick be?  When it feels like a cross between others you've seen, mixing a last married couple scenario, an out-of-towners out-of-water feel, a touch of Soho after hours and an adult adventure in babysitting called Date Night.  A bird on a wire and all those others, too.

The cure for the blues?  Seeing chocolate bunnies at the Chocolate Crocodile after drowning one's liver in a tall mug of Guinness with a Red Robin because P. F. Chang's was full.

One day soon I'll be deaf.  What kind of bionic ear should I wish for, since LASIK has worked so well for my sight about six years now?

Do I want to read the Book of the Future today?  Not really.

Kenny Chesney, Dolly Parton and Megan Fox - entertainment products of east Tennessee birth.

When was the last time you sat next to Mandy Moore at a UFC event?

In which/what world do I live?  Am I an IndyCar/NASCAR/F1/Rally fan, a Lowe Mill fan, a pop cinema fan, a woodlands/jungle hike fan, a football/rugby fan or ... any and all of the above?

I live - I'm a fan of everything.

Seduced by my senses, unaware of what's really around me.  What do I don't know I know I almost know?

When the superorganism is ready, will it rip the fabric of spacetime space and step across the threshold?  Can it solve the puzzle of why no other superorganisms are visible in this universe?

Why can some people find simple pleasure in repetitive tasks and weekend backyard BBQ parties while others will not be happy until this planet's creatures are safely ensconced in another spot outside of this universe?

How many times can we laugh at the barbarians who show their primate selves in the fearmongering about one-world government?  Can we not see we're one people already?

If you feel out of control of the situation, admit the fact and go on.

How many caves have you explored?

Can you tell the difference between a person who has killed another person and one who has not?

Do you know the definition of risk?

Do you know the definition of life?

The Book of the Future ... the crystal ball ... the bag of other tricks yet unused ...

Don't worry about one-world governments forcing you to change your lifestyle/culture.  We need you to maintain your subcultures so that dichotomies occur all along the borders between "pure" subcultures for change to happen seemingly spontaneously.  From discord, confusion and conflict rise unique solutions to problems that haven't been invented yet.

The Balance of Power.  We know what's going to happen next because you predict your own unpredictability predictably.  Like tuning an engine.  When all aspects of living are known and your unique limited combination of aspects observed and recorded, the world of our species within the well-studied ecosystem of this planet provide measurable parameters upon which one can depend reliably.

The "mysteries" of life are slowly revealed to you for proper dissemination and absorption by the subpopulations of the superorganism.  Pockets of resistance are natural responses by the environment and expected (although never welcomed by purists in the field of efficiency expertise).

You accomplish so much more when you trust the future's already been formed for you.  Quit seeing it in hindsight and let your foresight be your guide.

If we think we have to wait for a Contact-like moment, a deus ex machina, to rescue us from ourselves, then we'll keep waiting.  We are our own alien species, so to speak, with the ignorance of knowledge about the future already in us.

What's next?  Hmm ... to know that I know what I'm going to see in the Book of the Future before I look at it is the sign that I'm believing the message of this fictional blog too much.

In one hand, fiction.  In the other hand, nonfiction.  In one's knowledge, the knowledge that others fulfill futures presented to them as if they're assignments and by others subconsciously through the power of subtle persuasion.  Thus, are the futures fact or fiction or both and when were they one, the other or both?

The Book of the Future doesn't say because the Book of the Future is its own self-referential conflict, spirals within spirals looping back and forth within and out of themselves with no discernible beginning or end in sight of our localised lives.

Time to step out of the local culture again and show what the Book of the Future says about other subcultures in the superculture/superorganism called us, our species, our one-world self governing body, if you will accept that definition gladly (or at least without wincing).  You might just find out if you're a "Yes" or a "No" and why.

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