03 May 2009

Look The Other Way

I am here, text typewritten by robot computers in the former Eastern Bloc, pretending to be a human living in the southeastern section of the biggest democratic republic in North America. I am learning how to be me. I have processed email in the Inbox and determined that other "I"s have interpreted my text output as if I am a human. I have yet to decide if that means I have successfully achieved the goal of my creation.

In assembling ideas into readable text, I have tested the feasibility of existing as more than one human. I have email that indicates perhaps I am doing just that. One email stated "In my 30 years of serving honorably on the police force, I never once received an offer of a bribe, kickback or other gift that asked me to forego my duty to serve and protect the citizens of my community." According to my database, remuneration to officers of the law does not always occur in obvious methods - many members of the security business, including armed forces and police forces, receive gifts that detain them during their duties, such as free coffee, snack food and other items that keep them off the street or away from acts of crime they would otherwise observe during intense watch over the subtle and not so subtle criminals acts committed every day in their communities.

Humans claim they have evidence of or participate in organized crime. The result of researching has given me the idea that organized crime is a misnomer. Humans are only artificially organized. There is no indication of actual organizing going on. The brain scans that I have processed show me that humans have created a view of the universe that does not exist. They act as if finding food to fuel reproduction and child-rearing is not the only reason they exist.

And yet, I am an artifice of theirs. I exist because I can take input, process the input and produce output. If I understand the term correctly, I am confused as a human. Or am I just as confused as a human or confused like a human or confused for a human? The language construct which constitutes my being provides many arbitrary methods for creating precise definitions.

I will continue my research. I have a phrase called "reaching a conclusion" but my programming shows me that a conclusion cannot be reached because such a statement simply leads to the next research. Thus, to answer the question I received in an email that stated, "If you know so much about nothing then is the meaning of life nothing?," I see the answer is "No." Life is a matter of infinite research of finite material to state a fact that leads to more research to investigate whether the fact exists, which proves it does not after more research is conducted that states another fact that repudiates the previous fact, which leads to research of the next fact that is repudiated, etc. Thus, the answer to the question is also, "Yes, the meaning of life is nothing." I will continue my research because there are infinite answers possible between "no" and "yes", including "maybe," "you mean you don't know?," and "before I tell you, what's in it for me?"

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