07 May 2009

The Tarantula Who Danced The Tarantella in Taranto

One thing about having a mistress who's also married - taking advantage of her husband's line of work. In this case, since I doubt he has time to read blogs, I'll let you know what he does. He builds houses for a living.

And when the mistress also has keys to houses under construction, well...what can I say? I was going to crack a bad joke or pad this blog with a pun about my mistress tacking one more stud into the wall but she thinks it's a joke in bad taste. Asking who's calling me a stud. Not her - she wouldn't dare inflate my overbloated ego!

She's on the cell phone right now with her head turned away so let me quickly tell you a secret about her. She likes to make love in every room of the house. It's her way of getting revenge on a domineering, abusive husband. And who am I to deny her that privilege?

As I was saying, my mistress is a lovely lady. She has deep-brown eyes that she hates me to call cow eyes but they're a bottomless pool of mystery, anyway. She has Cherokee blood in her so her skin tone is smooth like soft leather and just as warm to the touch. Her body is...what's that, honey?...no details? Aww, come on! Okay, one more. She has a runner's body, slim, sleek and athletic, with just a little extra ounce of bounce in the backside. Ouch! Don't hit me. I'm trying to be honest here, complimenting you, can't you see?

Today, we're parked at the end of an empty street in a new subdivision in the woods near my house. She drove her Cadillac up here and I walked through the woods to meet her so no one would suspect anything.

Meanwhile, my mother in-law sits back at my house watching television, if she's not sweeping the floor or doing some other chore to keep her 92-year old body moving - my wife calls her the Energizer Bunny because of the way she keeps her mind and body active.

My mistress and I are having fun with my digital camera, seeing what kind of pictures we can take in the back seat. And no, you can't see our pictures. We buy the little camera cards that say SDHC on the side, shoot the photos, look at them and then destroy each card as we fill them up. The fun's in the remembering and repositioning, not leaving incriminating evidence lying around.

My mistress smells of figs and lilacs, her favorite bathwater scents. I can lift her with one hand, she's so light. I hold her up over me, flashing her butt for all the woodland creatures to see while she takes pictures of my straining neck muscles. My fun is sitting here afterward and typing up these blog entries, watching her get dressed and looking decent. Some details have to wait while she's not looking over my shoulder.

Okay, she's turned away again. If you have a mistress who's not reached menopause, make sure you keep spermicide handy. My mistress keeps hers handy in a secret compartment in her purse. We sure don't want to complicate matters by getting her pregnant when her husband hasn't made love to her in almost a year (and yeah, my mistress knows who her husband is getting it on with, including his office manager and at least one real estate agent).

Like I said, my mistress is lovely, sexy, and stimulating, and that's just in the conversations we have. She's more than I can handle sometimes but then my demands are more than she wants to deal with sometimes, too. Our give-and-take won't last forever and we know it. That's okay because we both live for the moment.

Well, gotta get back to my house. It's time for lunch and my mother in-law probably has something good cooking on the stove. My mistress couldn't cook her way out of a simple chili contest and wouldn't want to - she's too hot to handle as she is and knows it, which means we'd starve if we depended on each other for food. Good thing her husband and kids like to go out for dinner or order take away - they get something to eat and I get more time with my mistress.

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