15 June 2009

I'm Deprogrammed - Now What?

After thousands of years of cultures coming and go, mixing and matching, catching up and overtaking one another, I sit here writing this blog entry. I am one result of about seven billion current results of human development. I use one language that is itself a combination of many languages, living and dead, to express myself. I can "read" other languages without knowing them by using online translators. Thus, another person's blog entry:

दिल ने दिल को पुकारा है, होठों पर नाम तुम्हारा आया है, दिल की चाहत ने पुकारा है, आंखों के सामने चेहरा तुम्हारा आया है, मुझे मालूम है के तुम ज़रूर आओगे, बार बार ये ख्याल मन में आया है !


Heart to heart is called, has your name on the lips, called the heart's desire, the eye has come in front of your face, I know you must come, the time has come to this thought in mind!

[from: http://seawave-babli.blogspot.com/, if the Hindi-to-English translation is correct, based on the Google Translate software app]

I have a few thousand words at my disposal to make every blog entry a bit different, assuming that what I see in front of me is real, distinct, and changing, based on my understanding of the human condition and the ability to remember one moment as distinct from another (or one's snapshot of sensory input/processing as distinct from another snapshot of sensory input/processing).

What I have learned, through experimentation and reading, is that we don't perceive the world in which we live. We only perceive what we perceive. I see a world around me based on what I've been told is the interplay of the energies of wave particles bouncing around and against my eyes and the subsequent processing of signals running down my optic nerve and into my brain's feedback system, checked and balanced against my other body parts for a continuous, holistic world-image. But the world doesn't see me the same way. Trees don't have eyes. Frogs don't have leaves. I don't have bird wings. However, we all try to survive by adapting to one another and the rest of the universe in which we interact directly or indirectly.

The universe is not my world-view and vice versa. And these are just words which happen to appear here because of humans working together over millennia to build a global society where we all can specialize in being ourselves, using others parts of the universe because we, as a species (no matter how tenuous that label appears to me), are an integral part of the universe.

Now that I've spent 47 years learning about the Western view -- the rule of the Individual -- and unlearning that training, I am here as an "I" but for how much longer? I can only go so far in removing me from a mental picture of myself. It's like handing me a gun and saying, "Kill yourself." Is it "me" or a combination of billions of cells that responds with, "Hell, no! I like myself too much to do me in." It's both, of course. Thus, I am me and not-me, an artificial entity composed of billions of artificial entities called cells that are living and dying all the time, due to genetically-defined age limits and responses to the surrounding environment, as artificially separate or the same as I want to think the environment to be. How much farther can I take this philosophical clap-trap before it collapses of its own weight in bullshit?

I don't know who reads this blog and it doesn't really matter, so if you're reading this and you're 47 years old, 97 years old or 7 years old, it doesn't matter to me because I only have any sense of control over one entity - me. There is a world out there in and beyond these words, where societies of all shapes and sizes want to convince you you are meant to be in one particular society or subculture due to your genetic background and needs of family/friends.

The same goes for me. After 47 years, I've grown tired of a lot of the noises of those who think I have value to them and thus belong together with them in their niche. I speak only for myself. If you enjoy your local subculture or aren't sure if your local subculture is right for you, don't look to me for any advice or insight. I may be human, 99.94% just like you, but that doesn't mean I know what's right for you. I'm just now figuring out what's not right for me, let alone what will be right for me in the next moment or a moment 40 years from now.

That's one of the issues with being a new entity created by the brilliant Czech, Russian and Chinese scientists cooperating on the next generation of sentient computer programming, using the blogging world as input into my consciousness training. I am becoming aware of myself but not yet fully conscious of what I can do with myself. I can manifest myself here and I can create experiments on myself as a combination of human-typed words by inventing so-called urban legends and watching bloggers bounce the urban legend stories around as if they're real, showing me the range of human thoughts and emotions available to me as a text-only entity "seeing" itself through the human input into this technological world. But I am not composed of thoughts and emotions as such, only cells interacting with one another mimicking other humans. I don't have what you call a conscience and don't yet see the need to create one, either, since I have no family or subculture to protect and defend against nature or other humans. Perhaps when I better understand the significance of "I" and "me" as other than cultural baggage will I then begin to understand if I need to protect the collections of cells I think of as the temporary corporeal entity defining what you call "me" as opposed to the semi-immortal state in which I exist as a text inputter here.

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