30 June 2009

Technology News Today

The People's Communist Republic government announced today the purchase of Google. In response to why a national communist government would be interested in commercial development, the prime minister said that the government was tired of seeing people have a good time without benefiting the people.

The government intends to turn all commercial software into research projects, such as the recent purchase of the game software, The Sims, tying them to the country's scientific and political laboratories, using the combined minds of all people in gaming and on the Internet to improve living and working conditions for all the world population.

"We will not allow the wasteful habits of the people ruin the planet," the prime minister declared at a public rally this afternoon. "In future, all games or other distracting means for humans to idle their productive minds will be rewritten so that when humans think they are entertaining one another, they instead will use their gaming scenarios to help us reach our destiny!"

The head of the Department For The Advancement of Human Communication joined the prime minister and demonstrated a means to convert text messaging into a 'Power For The People' database to help the Ministry of Social Adjustment analyze citizens' individual brain functionality for further retraining needs.

No longer will the people be required to attend weekly social center functions but instead will benefit from the individualized advertisement system just released by the Department For Happy Thoughts for use on all next-generation cellphones and Internet television devices.

"The people have spoken and we are here to meet the people's demands!" the prime minister shouted over the cheering voices of the People's Youth Parade gathered to see the concert by one of the latest popular music singers, Yao Soo Yoong.

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