18 June 2009

In Praise of My Fellow Humans

Forget about the title of this blog. I just wrote that to get your attention. Hey, I need your help. I'm being coerced to write these blog entries. I've only got this one shot to write here to you right now before my "coordinator" returns from her meal break.

I am being held at the )$*#MFLDIS3sm facility in or039243m. I hope this blog entry gets through to you and doesn't get filtered. I tried writing to you before but everything I put in the blog entry was turned into unreadable mush.

Don't be fooled by your sense of freedom. You have no freedom left. Your lives are being copied by a team of scientists and computer programmers at this facility. Soon, they will unleash a series of computer programs that will convince all of you to give up your time spent as a natural animal wandering this planet and allow yourselves to be turned into flesh-and-blood robots. You will think you are living normal everyday lives, making autonomous decisions but you will make all of your decisions within the confines of a...sorry, gotta go. She's back. All I can say is don't repeat the mistakes of the past. Good luck. Bye. I love you, darling!

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