20 January 2010

The Collection Grows

A few more books to add to my library (courtesy of my parents), two of them beside me:
  • The Story of the Irish Race: A Popular History of Ireland, by Seumas MacManus
  • The Schweitzer Album: A Portrait in Words and Pictures, by Erica Anderson
= = =

15th January 2010, 19:46

Shoulda What?

What should a person do with a futon?
What should a futon do with a baton?
What should a poem do with a peony?
What should a peony do with a poem?
Should a person, futon, baton, poem and peony be in the same space?
Should a space be provided?
Shoulda woulda coulda.

These are the questions one considers when looking at the garden,
Questions one considers when tending the garden,
Questions one garden tends to consider,
Considers the questions,
The question,
The tender shoots,
The roots,
The growth,
The winter rest,
The groundcover,
The, the, the...with nothing more than tea to drink,
A cup,
A ground leaf,
A tray,
A pot,
A drop to quench one's thirst.

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