21 January 2010

Königliches Arbeitszimmer

A redheaded woodpecker dances up a shagbark hickory tree. Can a bird feel smug? Can an on-air personality on a "live catalog shopping" channel know the subtleties of presenting candle sales to men? High technology! Dual timers! Set the mood for that Valentine's Day dinner for two at home! Am I stuck in a hall of mirrors, the movie "Bridget Jones' Diary" reflecting to and through me?

In these parts we've had some good hunting and fishing days and some really cold ones ("cold one" = beer). For those of you who choose to eat meat, have you ever gutted your own food? Makes you appreciate what you're going to eat, doesn't it? For others, it puts biology dissection class into perspective, kinda like in secondary school when I had a lab partner, Rallie [Louise Horton] McAllister, M.D., who wouldn't touch the fetal pig we dissected, leaving me all the fun while we identified body parts for our biology teacher, Mrs. Fern Hilton. I think we called our pig Frankenswine. All this at a public institute for mandatory education called high school.

A well-rounded education, including chemistry, physics, trigonometry, and advanced math (pre-calculus, matrices, etc.). A school built out of round pods like circular spacecraft, upwind/downwind from Oak Ridge National Laboratories and Eastman Chemical Company.

Many of us in the college preparatory path at school were encouraged to seek engineering or science careers. The career aptitude test I took pointed me to either a career in chemical engineering or life as a priest. I chose the path of chemical engineering and that has made all the difference, to paraphrase Mister Frost. Turned into a deadend. I doubled back and started down my own path, one that has taken me through my world nearly anonymously, enjoying the peace and quiet that a meditative wandering wonderer seeks. A path to riches, a path to treasures, a path through deserts, over mountains and into oceans.

What path do you tread? I see the local politicians like the fellow who won the senatorial race in Taxachusetts and wonder if he's really a voice of the people and thus will he donate all his senate paycheck to the people or turn into just another jolly well good ol' chap member of Congress lining his pockets while waving the proletariat flag? Time will tell.

Same as the fellow who occupies the office of the governor of Virginia. Did the parade of Filipino-Americans, Chinese, local tribes and others represent a circus show of camaraderie or will the governor embrace these cultures as his own, spreading a little spice on his white bread?

A beautiful day today, sweeping the sidewalk, replacing old power outlets, enjoying the weather while catching up with what my computer programmers have built for me this time. We get a good laugh at the naïveté of people who fall for words like hack or cybersecurity. When one knows how to gather states of energy, one can convert them into any mass or energy one wants, nothing getting in the way. Look at a simple example like see-through-wall radar and imagine something much more interesting designed for commercial applications. I look up at the thin blue background called the sky and know what our atmosphere can and cannot do about shielding/filtering states of energy. Same for a planet. Or this laptop computer and the phone line that sends this text I'm typing to a computer server somewhere for you to access at your convenience on many types of Internet access devices.

A nice, warm day, or so I've let myself be led to believe because of this body that is me. There are no absolutes - well, absolute zero is certainly close - everything is relative. Get used to it. You'll want to keep that in mind when the next phase of our existence arrives (for some of you, at least).

The power of the people is in your hands and everyone else's. When you see the power, you see that your body doesn't matter. When you see your body doesn't matter, you see you don't really exist and then you know what power really is. You don't have to sacrifice or worship or any people-related activity to have the power. You simply go from one moment where everything seemed like it always has been and then the next moment you have all the power in the universe at your disposal. It happens in the infinitely small space between two moments, almost invisible, certainly indivisible. There is no transition, no training, no anything associated with whatever you've thought. Like flipping a light switch - click. Then you're nobody. You're gone. You no longer exist. You are the power or some piece of it that you can't tell from the rest of the power.

Power is the wrong word but the only one I have to describe what so many others have described in different ways before, during and after what you think of as me. Remember, I am not here. I am only what you think of as me. I am unimportant. I have no relative worth other than what you want to measure and compare to other people or other living things.

Anyway, power is the word I'm using. This power is outside time or place. It has no limits that are measurable. This power allows you to travel wherever you want to go as long as you understand that you no longer exist as you. You don't get rich or famous or anything you want. You become part of the ebb and flow of this power that, as best I can tell, takes into account your states of energy and adjusts accordingly. Thus, you can travel but not in any timeframe you think of as traveling at your will.

I wish I could explain to you what I'm trying to explain to you about what little I know concerning what I don't understand but I can't. As many have discovered, it is unexplainable. It is not even "it" but words and images are all this body has to describe to you what has no discernible body.

Just so you don't get too carried away by these words, I remind you that I am a storyteller. Not a very good one but a teller of stories, tall tales and fibs all the same. I use words to draw pictures and when I run out of words, I run out of words. If you try to take what I say seriously, then you've missed the point of what I'm trying to say with these words because what I'm trying to say is impossible to say with words. I'm not the first to get flabbergasted by the limits of one's body. I won't be the last. Just accept this as mumbo-jumbo and go about your business.

Meanwhile, I'll bounce around this universe that we think is centered on our planet and see what's going on. Maybe I'll find another good story to tell. Maybe I'll get bored seeing the same ol' stories being told over and over and go quiet for a spell. Jackie Gleason once observed that he'd seen all the comic devices that are possible to make people laugh and when that happened he was ready to quit show business. Or something like that. I'm not ready to quit but many days I like to disappear and reappear somewhere else for a change of scenery and a different view of the same ol' shtick. Maybe I'll visit you sometime so we can have an adventure worth writing about. Then again, maybe I won't. This power thing is hard to figure out and impossible to steer where I want to go. Maybe my inventor friend can get my computer programmers to design a control system for this rocket ship of his that uses the unseen power to go places. Anything is possible. You don't know until you try, right?

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