06 January 2010

While I'm At It...

Having spent the past year pondering the stereoscopic view of the world from the tip of my nose, I suddenly find I am with you in the western calendrical world of 2010. But I am also in 4707 in the Chinese calendar system, 5770 in the Jewish calendar system and in the Aztec calendar system, today is 11 - Tochtli (rabbit) 1 - Tecpatl (flint knife) 3 - Xochitl (flower).

Numerical day-counting systems aside, today, the moment somewhere between waking up after sunrise and going to sleep after sunset, I note the local scalar system which indicates my gravitational pull onto this planetary body. A metal contraption containing a spring and a dial told me today's lucky number is 235, five digits less than the number 240 which appeared three days ago.

I don't know the magic number I'm trying to hit but I do know the effect I want to cause as the days disappear behind me. Having jogged/walked and completed a marathon in 2004, a little over five years ago, when my specific gravitational equilibrium read 195 (seven pounds heavier than what my general practitioner (i.e., family doctor) called my "ideal" weight to body type ratio (medium build, 6'1" height, good health in my early 40s)), I believe it's time to put exercise practices back into practice.

Walking 30 minutes a day, using the in-home rowing machine, and memorising Tai Chi movements will occupy parts of my days this year. A balanced diet of protein, fiber and other tasty treats will accompany my eating routines.

I'll post updates on what I've accomplished by adding general fitness routines to my daily habits.

I have no goals other than to vary my habits from one set of seasonal changes to another. Of course, I have a long-term goal - to float around the dark side of the moon on an outer space cruise/spa ship - where every pound/stone has a high price in fuel. Now's as good a time as any to reduce my future fuel use while I see what the rest of the seven billion members of my species is up to.

Until later...


  1. Thanks, Shannon. If we choose to dream, let's make big dreams. My father always said to aim for the stars and be satisfied if we shoot for the moon. I decided to take him seriously. Maybe we'll run across each other at the space airport one day while completing our spa package plans!
