15 January 2010

If At First You Don't Secede

For some reason, I never can remember if I've discussed with you/me the definition of friend/friendship. Have I? I have? Well, then, I'll skip repeating myself once again.

According to my friends, no matter whether one uses a popular search site versus any other, freedom of expression is universal and not subject to the quaint notion of Internet barriers like firewalls. Therefore, be not concerned with words like google or baidu - they are but commercial enterprises subject to the vagaries of business success and failure. The message is not in the medium. The media are not the message. The message is clear and right in front of you. Don't waste your time looking for it in quarterly reports, apple orchards, or the new (le novo?) wave of nibbles and bits.

Until next time, when I might have enough information to reveal what my friend has invented. Oh, but my friend's a sly dog, never submitted paperwork to patent the work my friend invents, better prepared to take the market quickly, pull out the profits, and let the dogs have the scraps to fight over in court.

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