20 January 2010

Questions Abound

While watching "Buffalo Bill and the Indians," directed by Robert Altman, the perplexing dialogue-mixer of storyboard wonders, I looked at the background stories of some of the film's characters, including Sitting Bull, Annie Oakley and Grover Cleveland.

From that, I discovered more about history as a "disrespect for the dead," such as the Panic of 1893. All is repetition - prepare your longterm business plans accordingly. Some say China's real estate boom is next to go bust. Who am I to disagree? I'm ready to move my assets to South America once again. Anyone hear/speak Portuguese? Maybe chocolate and coffee are Columbian gold again?

Daffodils are pushing up. Marsh marigolds flourish. Spring is all but here. Another seasonal sneeze and then the heat of summer drowns Arctic hearts. Will someone please make that Bigelow spacecraft ready before 2015?

People are people. Our species has many mixed goals, including the widespread spread of depopulating other populations - avian or polar bear, take your pick. Unpopular? Perhaps, but popularity is an ocean wave or a rain drop dripping down a mountain face. Eroding. Rebuilding. Yin and yang have their uses, depending where on the curve you want to sit and bemuse yourself. Don't worry, see the happy honeybee searching for a resilient hive to call home. How quickly can flowers adjust to a life of pollinating themselves? How long can a restless population wait to be rested? Don't wait too long to solve unrest or a worldwide strike could be called and then labor has its day to say just who's working for whom. Unions may be passé but they haven't passed - an organised global workforce including Brasil, United States, European Union, Russia, China, India, Australia, the African continent, Philippines, Japan, and other parts of southeast Asia - imagine the possibilities and the cost of clothing, electronics, software services, etc.

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