08 March 2009

Patterns, patterns everywhere...

I walked through the woods yesterday and talked to my wild friends (no, not the bikers down the street). "Talk" may be a word you understand but I did not use human words. I used short whistles to let the birds know I was inert.

They, in turn, told me another story. They haven't shared a good story with me in a very long time so you should know that today I am happy. A bird's story is a simple one, involves no morals and keeps it real, if you know what I mean.

Turns out that the mourning doves that hang out in my back yard have been looking at patterns lately. In actuality, that's really all they do but I let them believe their particular pattern matching was unique this time. They had been staring in the window of my house and noticed that I had been looking at pretty pictures. Because the window they chose to view my domestic life also serves as the wall of a sunroom, the doves saw a mirror image of the pictures that obviously fascinated me. Also, the doves are creatures of habit so they know precisely when they look in my window every day, coinciding with the moments I stare at financial data.

Yesterday, after filling the birdfeeders out back, I asked the doves if they were satisfied with the bird seed I'd purchased (using my difficult low-tone whistling technique to mimic dove calls as much as possible). Apparently, I used the wrong intonation and attracted a few doves who thought it was mating season. After clearing up the confusion, the lead dove told me that he wanted me to go back inside and show them the pretty pictures again, except this time to turn them 90 degrees.

I followed the dove's instructions and sure enough saw what they had seen. I posted the picture on this blog entry for you to see it, too. Amazing, isn't it! Now you should have a complete understanding of not only where this economy is headed but what to do with your life. If you can't see what I'm talking about, I wouldn't be able to explain it to you. Just take the dove's word for it. We're in for some beautiful weather ahead, after this storm front passes. Now whether a few tornadoes and flash flooding wipe things out over the next couple of years, that I can't tell you. I assume you have a fallout/tax shelter already set up, right? If not, you better hurry. It's not too late.

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