07 March 2009

Recruiting Station

Dang. I knew this was gonna happen. What do I expect, though, when I put my face out here for all the world to see? All this ain't in my plans. But what the hell, it ain't like I can't handle it, neither.

Yeah, my old buddies are back. They were too happy with my last bit of work I did for them. Seems like there's money to be made in this economy and they know I can come through for them once again.

Now why is that I'm not sitting in their fancy yacht making all the decisions? Haha. As if I don't know already. But I figure you don't see what I'm seeing, looking at the Ethernet traffic patterns and knowing that my buddies are a lot "hotter" than I am. They be on their yachts because they ain't safe on no land. And that's the way it is. I can walk freely, at least as freely as the average Joe. They be under the spotlight, like Chris Brown after going a couple of rounds with Rihanna.

Free is as free does. And I guess that freedom isn't free, like the bumper sticker says. Everyone pays the price for freedom, in one way or another.

At what cost? Well, right now, I've got to drum up a little business for my buddies, do a little recruiting, if you will. But this ain't no Army of One, or nothing like that. Instead, I'm hitting a higher road, lower than Ivy League, but no bush league, neither.

I've got roll call coming up and in that list of parties of the second part, I've got to throw a little party, get them all riled up for some action. Get the low down. Have a hoedown, if I must. Capture their attention and then set them free.

You see, it's all about getting them to sign a contract. Once their names are down on paper, they're not mine. No, they belong to each other. But that's how you form unity. Egality. Fraternity. A brotherhood of sisters. Make them responsible for the party.

When you're no longer alone, you're owned. No longer on your own. And that's the way it's gonna be from now on.

They think they're students. lol And I'm not going to burst their bubble about that. They are gonna learn - that's the bottom line. It's what they do with their learning where I'm concerned. The only way this economy gets turned around is cause of them. Won't be no Harvard MBA and her abacus out here.

If you ain't paying attention, I'll make you pay. Not like you think, though. So lookit here. All I've got are these two hands. No cards up my sleeves. Got some teaching material and stuff like that. Even gonna throw you some donuts and pizza once in a while. Maybe hot wings, too, if you care. Everybody in class is signed up for this thing. And what is it that they've gotten into? It's business. Nothing personal. You do your work, share the load, and there's profit to be made. You don't do your work and my buddies have something else lined up for you. Plain and simple. Just like they like it.

My buddies want their cut. I can't promise them no more than 10%. So the other 90% of you are in this with me for sure. I'll do what I can to keep you here on land with me 'cause like them NFL players, you don't wanna be swimming with no sharks.

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