15 July 2009

At A Standstill

If nothing is permanent and I have nothing new or important to say, why am I here instead of walking the woods in the middle of the day?

I sit here because I couldn't sleep last night and stared up into the space between my head and the ceiling, realizing the moon shine even if I couldn't directly see it.

I felt myself floating like flotsam in the sea, tossed and turned with other trash in a temporary eddy, at the whim of nature.

Words. Formalism. Colloquialism. None of it mattered. I was lost at sea.

Later I slept. Eventually, I woke up again, exchanged positions with the cats and the wife, my nearly-constant companions, and slept some more.

Dot dot dot et cetera and so on finds me here, just after noon, thinking of eliminating commas once and for all from my written work letting readers figure out the pauses figures of speech and lyricalifragicality.

Money makes its way into my portfolio debt being not a problem only conspicuous whooping cough consumption. The hidden treasures in Chinese portfolios make my GM investment seem wiser than wise and dumber than dumb the Chinese getting pieceparts and leaving me the fortified and enriched crumbs. Hummm.

Rhythms and rhymes dog me today nipping at my heels and matching vocabularies against cultural cluelessness to show me I have my temporariness to myself today.

Systems theory plucks me from the ocean plucks chords in my brain attached to my body attached to the chair strung and tendrilled into universal frets.

We are all. We are none. We are one. Are we? Belief makes no difference between conception and death but others want to believe so. We are not these words. We did not exist before we existed and we don't exist after we don't exist. Don't we?

I have been here before caught in the sea swirling and free irregardless regardless everyone but me.

Punctuation makes no sense Capitalization is Capital at the Capitol what do A and O have to do with it like cemetery and cemetary make any meaning to the dead one letter more or less meaningless to green bottle flies maggots and earthworms

Paragraphically speaking I give you some indication of progress while I spin within these highs and lows hot and cold dense thick and thin air caught in sun's solar flares and flurries not caring who dances with me as long as the tune catches my fancy and tickles my feet lifts me grabs my hands and one two three one two three four five seven skips a beat thrilled that my heart stops occasionally glad I am alive to be dead and dead on my footpads swimming inches from shark teeth

Rising and falling. Cat on my chest. I am the cat riding the waves of the sea tide swaying my chest hairs like seaweed and kelp.

Nothing is temporary. All is one permanently changing. Interconnectedness just a bunch of letters tied together by electrons and lexicons conned into conning you kidding around convincing you you have meaning when no one knows who you really are.

I am here. I have no need to stop fooling myself so I et tu will let vous fool yourself. We're walking on thin air floating in the open sea nothing and everything between you and me.

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