26 July 2009

Fly the Friendly Skies

Well, when you get tired of auguring, you try something else. In my case, auger in, as in taking a five (or six?) year-old electric RC plane out for a flight, getting it airborne, making a sharp right-hand turn and then diving into the ground at full speed.

Out pops the battery pack. The fuselage splits into two. The wing cracks into pieces. Pride takes an extended vacation. Talk to wife about options. Buy a new fuselage and wing? Get a bite to eat for dinner?

How about head to the locally owned and operated hobby shop(s) - RC Hobby Barn or HobbyTown - and look for spare parts, instead.

While this big kid [me] walks through the aisles smiling, the shopkeeper describes the boxed goodies on the top shelf. Well, being the cheapskate I am, I drooled over the 7-channel beauties but opted for a hobbyzone Super Cub LP.

Now I sit here a day later collecting my courage and accumulating modification ideas, including:

More later. Time for bed.

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