02 July 2009


Taught class last night - Linux, or rather, Unix-based CLI entry is tough on the students but helps them see what a computer is all about, not just GUIs, games and pretty pictures, but also job control, gaim, and data flow.

Stopped at Bella Beads this morning and bought the string of fire opals for my wife as an early wedding anniversary present. Shopped at The Booklegger used book store and bought the following:
  • Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
  • Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now by Maya Angelou
  • Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom
  • A Certain World: A Commonplace Book by W.H. Auden

I bought "Little Women" so I could slip the fire opals in as a surprise for my wife at lunch, making her think the string of opals was a bookmark. The surprise worked! We further enjoyed lunch with our friends Neal, Tricia and Ginger at Beauregard's restaurant. Hard to believe Ginger has three children now, or that Neal's children are grown and Tricia is a grandmother.

The Maya Angelou book is my introduction to her writing, not having read much more than excerpts of Maya's work in book review form.

The Mitch Albom novel is a revisit to the story, having seen a play at the Seattle Repertory Theater a few years ago based on Mitch's novel.

The Auden book is a reminder to me that all that's old is new again and the blogging world is really just a reenactment or living version of a commonplace book.

Ate a delicious, sweet BBQ sandwich and bowl of pinto beans at Big Cove BBQ a couple of days ago, seeing Chris Kelly, a former radio DJ who used to host Monday Night Football parties at a bar/pool hall called the Hard Rack Cafe. We reminisced with him about the old call, "Quarterback sack, drink a shot of Jack," that he yelled out during the NFL football games on Monday nights. Those were the days...seems like the Broncos and the Packers were the hot teams back then.

Today's the last official day of work for the director of the local facility of the technical institute, Jamie - hope she enjoys her term of office at the Knoxville facility. My old stomping grounds...hmm... okay, enough with the reminiscing. I'm not in an old folks' home just yet!

Time to enjoy a little afternoon delight - sunshine, that is - and see if there's any turkey BBQ left in the icebox. Can't wait to see the fire opals around my wife's neck, the kind of sparkle in sunlight that really gets me going. Hey, I'm a guy, not a robot. Food's not the only thing I get an appetite for. Deal with it.

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