17 April 2009

All That's Grand Is Not Opera

Got up. Performed self-styled Tai Chi exercise with two 10-lb weights. Spent the day at the local hospital with friend who had medical procedure. Watched patience and practice as one. Read from the book, "Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid" (a/k/a GEB). Listened to body rhythms. Stayed with friend during afternoon recovery in hospital, watching GSN on LCD TV while hooked to IV.

Returned home, graded homework, prepared lesson plan for class. Listened to Qinqiang opera (one example performance here). Meditated. Place in universe not in question - my life is the space between a folded cookie and the paper fortune inside - you open cookie and I fill the emptiness of the universe, completely. I understand you understand you understand I don't. We are not these words. Hofstadter and Laing roped me in and tangled me up long ago. What's next? Breaking through the barrier that boxes me into a belief of a universe with x, y and z coordinates. I am not on one side of the skin touching the keys that imprint these black marks on the screen. I am both sides, neither side nor skin. Truth is invisible. I can see that now.

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