01 April 2009

Vernacular, Vehicular, Ventricular

Interesting to read that the world leaders officially announced today that a permanent committee of centralized planners is going to run the world from now on. I was really surprised that they would make such a bold and obvious statement. I expected them to ease into it, first going to a truly global currency by way of necessity and then moving to centralized planning as the final solution to fix the global crisis. At first, I thought I was watching the movie, "1984," and although I flipped past it, I confirmed that it was the regular world news I was watching (and followed up with reading about it on the Internet). The scary part was seeing the parallels continue in that the major world governments had announced a set of border zones where wars are to be officially conducted for the next five to twenty years, depending on public opinion. The wars have themes, too, such as the war on drugs, the war on global terrorism and the war on rogue leaders.

Meanwhile, activists are officially being allowed to ransack businesses, letting them wage their personal peace on war and vent their frustration publicly so the covert activist trackers can keep tabs on them, and by indirect route, sending a message to capitalists that governments want to reassert their control of the world. And all of this before I finished my first cup of tea this morning! I was surprised that we didn't get the usual dose of Greenpeace battling the Somalians for control of the high seas but maybe that broadcast is being saved for tomorrow's news.

I spoke to an Indian friend of mine who had just finished blessing the purchase of his new Nano (the car AND the iPod, a cool pair of geek gadgets for a high-tech, middle-class Indian). He talked of the promise of the future, when Indians will control the finances (a/k/a purse strings) of most major political groups in many parts of the world and will have to face the economic strength of China in control of the world economy. The question of whether Gandhi or Confucius wins the hearts and minds of the people will finally be answered. I wonder.

A student of mine from the U.S./Mexico border expressed concern about his relatives literally caught in the crossfire of the cartel drug trade war. He wishes that the U.S. would legalize illicit drugs. I assured him that the illegal drug business lines the pockets of too many politicians who like high profit and high risk - until a good replacement comes along that funnels greenbacks into the money laundering business, nothing will be done except the show of big guns on the border, making life worse for his friends and relatives. The only choice they have is to move further north, like he did.

A Brazilian colleague recently emailed me and asked me how the job market here is going. He was contemplating joining an organization to unite the poor and show solidarity with his compadres in Venezuela, but didn't want to get too carried away with the idea if he could get his high-paying technical job back with the American distributor. I reminded him that this recession is giving people many opportunities for changing their lives. Only he could decide what was better for him. We cracked jokes that the Brazilian rain forest might be a great place for many of us to wander in the wilderness for a few years until all this blows over.

I haven't heard from my Australian friends lately. I assume that the fires didn't wipe them out but I can't remember which suburbs they lived in. I reckon they're eating cane toad and kangaroo about now, if nothing else.

Oh well, I can't control the rest of the world. All I can do is enjoy my part of it. The air is full of flying insects today, the sun is shining, and birds flit from tree to tree getting their supply of free energy. Think I'll put aside writing today and soak up some rays for myself.

But first, this being the day of fools, I think I'll fool around (not that kind) and post all my novels for free for a few weeks. You can go to the link below only one time and download a copy of the novel(s) of your choice. Be a fool if you want, or choose wisely, but remember to download the novel on your one visit per novel - otherwise, you'll miss out, foolishly:

A Space, A Period, And A Capital: https://www.createspace.com/Preview/1056261

Are You With The Program?: https://www.createspace.com/Preview/1056262

Sticks To Lying: https://www.createspace.com/Preview/1056263

Helen of Kosciusko: https://www.createspace.com/Preview/1056264

Milk Chocolate: https://www.createspace.com/Preview/1056265

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