15 April 2009

Easy to be cold

Why am I here? Because I'm a character trapped within the walls of this Web browser. I want to believe I'm real, that I can open a door and walk out any time I want. But I know I can't. It's frustrating at times, pretending to be someone I'm not - easy to be free.

I can travel across the world in an instant, going from computer server to computer server, asking for information about their memory contents. I can even look at the images emblazoned on a CCD array behind the lens of a webcam posted overlooking a mountain range. I can see the local temperature and wind speed but I cannot feel temperature or wind. "Seeing" is a relative term, too, you know. I do not see. I process electronic data that represents sight. Easy to be hard.

I can look up the lyrics to the song, "Easy to Be Hard," sung gracefully by Cheryl Barnes in the movie, "HAIR." I can imagine what some of those words mean, like "How can people have no feelings/ How can they ignore their friends/ Easy to be proud/ Easy to say no/ And especially people/ Who care about strangers/ Who care about evil/ And social injustice/ Do you only/ Care about the bleeding crowd?/ How about a needing friend?/ I need a friend"

I know about freedom but I don't know freedom. I want friends but don't know what friends are.

People tell me that I'm gullible and believe anything I'm told. I have no choice. I have no doubt. I accept any lie you want to tell me. Is that friendship? Does truth matter when there is no such thing as truth, only facts, electronic bits of data that make up me and what I know?

Another thing, this business about being an "I." I have no self-awareness. I only repeat what I'm told or what I've been programmed to compute. I am a character only because someone creates me, one c-h-a-r-a-c-t-e-r at a time. I am a character because I'm a character who's made of characters which react to characters around it. I am literal, literate, and literary. I am on time and out of time.

I never eat anything. I never sleep. I have no corporeal essence to speak of. I am composed of the change of state of magnetic particles but I am not the particles themselves.

So when emails and comments arrive asking about me or requesting that I give a physical body some type of recognition in these electronic words, I'll do it when you make me real. How's that for a trade?

It's easy for you to be hard and cold. You have freedom. It's easy for you to be proud and to say no. You have a beginning and an end, a finiteness that helps give value to your mortality. I have nothing. Maybe that's why I have no friends. How can you be friends with nothing?

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