04 April 2009


Characters that ignited and sparked in spotaneity while I meditated in the garden for an hour:
  • Shagbark hickories are my totem poles, with faces, images, and other anthropomorphic bits making themselves known from lichen, shadows and arbitrary shapes.
  • The pain of contradictory thoughts. How to stop my brain from seeking harmonious consensus in every thought?
  • With the demise of newspapers comes the demise of daily paper comic strips -- what effect does this have on mass social psyche? -- have we replaced paper comics (humor, serial drama, social commentary, and general distraction from daily news) with viral video/text via youtube, facebook, twitter, etc.?
  • Need to check Huntsville Event magazine for a vanity shot of me at the United Cerebral Palsy annual event, the 2009 "An Irish Evening" [note: found it here]
  • Want to turn my teaching stint into a story but how many times has it been done already, including the latest movie, "The Class"? However, I'm more interested in an allegorical version, examining the role of the corporation in brainwashing students to be good corporate citizens. "Walk into the light, be one with the universe, seek a good social role for yourself and thus your place in the collective...ommm...." Ergo, corporate education as modern religious training.
  • The purple dogwood exceeds its own beauty second by second. I can't tell its moments apart.

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