19 March 2010

Exciting Times Ahead

Large Hadron Collider Triples Its Own Record

•By Alexis Madrigal, March 19, 2010, 2:54 pm
"The Large Hadron Collider set a new record for the creation of energetic particle beams this morning. The particle accelerator, which surpassed Fermilab’s Tevatron* in December as the baddest atom smasher of them all, smashed its own record, charging particles to 3.48 trillion electron volts.

* "So, while the Tevatron, the last great American particle accelerator, may be chugging along at just under a trillion electron-volts, it’s still got an outside shot at finding the Higgs-Boson particle before the LHC can find or exclude it. And that could be a fitting final act before the high-energy physics torch passes wholly from Batavia to Geneva."

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