11 March 2010

My Work Here Is Done

For lo these many years, I have waited for the sign to tell me I could fade into the background and stop playing the headline game with my associates.  The sign has appeared.  The time has come.  My work here is done.

The responsibility for the future lies with the parents of the next generation:
The changing face of America: Minority birth rates will outpace whites
I leave this continent and this globe in the hands of families who have a direct impact and vested interest in how our species cooperates with others in its environment.

At last, I can close up this blog and leave all the technological gobbledygook to you young'ns.  I was here in the 1970s to hand-build computers and complete chemistry experiments in basements with friends and I'm sure I'll see us continue our cyborg transition into fully integrated technobeings one day.  But I choose to step away from all this and live life as the natural-born being my parents raised, watching and feeding the wild animals who can't tell the difference between a telephone pole and a tree but whose sense of magnetic north and south are affected by the electricity we pass through power lines.

This moment is all I have and I want to enjoy it as the states of energy I'm comfortable calling my own.  It is my peace, my religion, my home - my body.  May you find your own peace, happiness and joy in your own way.

Remember, we are one big family so let's give every family member the room to grow, unstifled, while we watch each other and make sure we don't get too far off track.  Religion is not a building, it is people helping people.  The foundation of religion: what you decide to call that which you can't comprehend (the universe (a/k/a the creator, gods, God, Allah, etc.)), and the rules our species developed to create civilisation define cultures, not families.

Individually, we have states of energy that allow us to most easily find our way in the world - our skillbuilding talents - let every one of us find and use those states of energy to the best of our ability, regardless of how it may appear to contradict the skills and talents of other family members.

Trust one another to put family first.  If someone breaks that trust, then you have the right to deal with that person according to well thought-out, local rules and regulations agreed to by the plurality, not just the majority or a quorum of minorities.

My blogging days are over.  I trust you to put family first.

This is TreeTrunkRick signing off.  Have a great day!

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