16 March 2010

An Opportunity To Grow Or An Example To Set?

While sorting out the "yes" members from the "no" members, I've run into some interesting data and need input from a few of my colleagues.

A woman at a company has submitted "padded" expense reports, including mileage to and from work, personal food and other items that if she were reimbursed would lower the company's profits and grossly affect employee salary increases, stockholders' value and executives' bonuses.  She was caught once by a previous boss and told not to submit such expense reports.  Strike one.  She has a new boss now so we suspect the employee is going to try this expense report trick again.  She has a husband and children who don't know about her embezzlement habit.  Do we wait until the employee tries this expense report trick again or act on knowledge from her first trick in this job and our knowledge about similar actions at her previous place of employment, making an example of her by destroying her career and her family because in essence she broke her family trust at the genetic and subculture levels?

Nice person on the outside, trickster on the inside.  I'm giving her the opportunity to go to her new boss and discuss her old habits so they together can look at other employees' expense reports and stop this kind of activity on a larger scale, including retraining employees about what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in the workplace.  If she fails to take this opportunity to fix systemic waste, then we'll use her as a fear factor example at her office and report her to the police.

You get one chance to be a "yes" person or a "no" person.  If you say "no," you may or may not get to keep living your same old "no" life.  Randomness is a part of life and thus we'll randomly pick "no" people to have fun with - such is the way of the "yes" prankster.

Talked with the Fat Man today.  He's a barrel of laughs, literally.  We've passed information through our network over the years, looking for the day that our species would get to say "yes" all at once.  Now that the day has arrived, we're joyously going about looking at the "no" people and deciding which one(s) to have fun with next.

See, while the spooks and the spies have been looking at you, we've been looking at everyone, including the spooks and the spies.  Every one of you gets one chance to answer the question once.

Have you decided to say "yes" to becoming a new you?  Have you agreed with yourself that the current version of you is a temporary manifestation and not real?  Have you realized there is no such thing as a "you" to begin with?  Can you understand a way to transform the being that is not you into another being that is not you?

Don't be fooled by the false sense of permanence that "memories" give you.  A few thousand generations of one species is a small set of numbers to derive any meaningful longterm trends.

Integrity does not exist but the practice of integrity shows your intent to place trust in the bundled states of energy (people) around you.  No more deceptions and lies.  No more predator and prey.  A global citizen in a universe of states of energy.

The real meaning of true love: understanding that states of energy have no "intent," good or bad, toward you; accepting that the interaction of states of energy is what this universe is all about; no longer being blinded by what your senses tell you.

Every one of us is beautiful, strong, smart and understanding, in the way we've been taught to react to other members of our species.

But the time has come for us to once again see we are more than one species.  If you can only slightly comprehend the infinite power and wonder of what it's like to become more than your animal body, feel free to say "yes" and you will open yourself up to dimensionless possibilities, working with others to eliminate more and more ignorance everyday and reveal sculptured marvels within the marble of what we used to call space and time.

No, I'm not selling a magic elixir.  No, I don't have a nature farm I want you to join.  Every thing I state is fact as my colleagues have shown me both through common sense and scientific experimentation.

Release yourself from the age-old daily struggles for nothing and find those around you who will help you build a support network that takes the heavy burden of living off your shoulders.

Start with trusting yourself first.  Then stop repeating the petty lies and deceit and wearing the false personality masks.  Believe no one harbours ill will toward you.  Become a "yes" person and you will naturally answer "yes" when your opportunity to hear the question arrives.

Some version of me or others like me will see you on the "yes" side.  And when we do, occasionally let's have fun with the "no" people to exercise our healthy sense of humour.

Do you know how ignorant we are in this day and age, completely unaware of what's really going on around us?  Can you map out a multiple multitude of futures with blank places along timelines that we will fill with our growing knowledge set?  Can you estimate what we think we do not know but will?  Can you imagine hooking yourself to new sensor organs that totally blow away the five senses our bodies make us used to, which in turn lead us to seeing the possibility for even better sensor organs and a deeper understanding of the universe we think we live in, ultimately leading to us become something completely different?  If so, then you've already said "yes" and didn't know it (or don't remember saying "yes" the first time).

See you soon.  Hope you said "yes."

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