21 March 2010

Let Level Heads Prevail

While secret organisations prepare to call their troops to actions, I hope we have our national guard on duty in this country, focused on keeping us focused on the big picture and not on local slices of time that are always full of change and thus full of strong emotional pull.  Don't get trapped into getting provoked.  Folks hold flint and steel and cotton balls, ready to set the spark of chaotic controversy for their personal gain, not yours.

I want the ability to shop for fresh fruit and vegetables without worrying about if I'm carrying the politically-correct paperwork while passing through armoured checkpoints.  I have friends who have lived in such situations and are lucky to be alive to tell me about them.

We choose our futures in the thoughts and actions of this moment.  Consider your next move carefully.  Our future depends on what you say or do right now.

Some people have already revealed what they're going to do next and their leaders are telling them to hold off until the sign is given to everyone in their groups to proceed in a coordinated maneuver.

I'm neutral about what's going to happen next.  The Book of the Future has already prepared me for the best and the worst that can happen.  Either way, I made my peace with the world the day my brother in-law died in 2006.  I am not him but I'm prepared by my Eagle Boy Scout training to do the right thing by him.

I will not let this country fail or falter in the face of global competition.  This country represents hope for the world in the realm of free speech and freedom of religious practice - immigrants keep pouring in who know what other countries' leaders and their organisations do not represent well: government of the people, by the people and for the people.  It's not just about money, although money helps us pay for those who protect the freedoms we love dearly.

Have mercy on your neighbour - you do not know what s/he has gone through to get where s/he is in life right now.

If you start a class war, be prepared to face the consequences of your actions.  Heroes and enemies are just words.  The pen is mightier than a sword and deadlier than a bullet in the heat of battle.  Have you considered the counter-counter-counter-counter-counter attacks already prepared against you?

Unemployment is high and unrest is growing.  GDP and gross domestic emotional stability are not directly proportional.  Do you want to be the one who helped social scientists develop the correct formula?

I close this blog entry in order to enjoy domestic tranquility with my wife and our two cats - my ultimate moment of meditation no one interrupts without consequence.

This blog is about you and your future.  I am unimportant.  If you read these words, consider their meaning carefully.  Your life is in your hands, not mine.  This moment's all I've got and I choose to spend it with my life partner.  Maybe you should, too.  There's always a chance it's the last moment any of us have together but I sure hope not.  I've got a moon cruise to catch one day soon - who else but my wife to spend it with!

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