05 March 2010

Who Said The "A" Side Of The Record Was Most Important?

One thing I forgot to note, the side "B" part of the message I was supposed to report.  Here 'tis, verbatim and uncoded: it's time to take the information from the domestic help, including landscaping, nannies, nail salon, tailoring, basement sweat shop, etc., about whose taxes were not paid before the new law went into effect and report their employers to the news media; however, if you want to "negotiate" a deal with the employers and/or the employees for not reporting the data, it's up to you - use the prearranged "no holds barred" thumb screw simulation maneuver this time, too (for those who don't remember, it means to show the electronic data file you have built on your "customers" and their families/customers) - as long as you report at least one of them within the next two weeks to counter the hopes of those who think they can hide their illegal activities under the new law.

Now, back to my staycation and contemplating the new parts of the Book of Future that I haven't revealed yet.  Exciting stuff, I tell you!  When you give people the opportunity to empower themselves all at once, the concept of a New World Order is beyond comprehension.  Too bad I didn't ask for a leadership role in this next phase of our species' history but at least I assigned myself the role as one of the writers ... and guess who decides how history is written?  Would you rather be the toppled leader or the person who comfortably sits and writes about the ebb and flow of history, while scripting a byline memorable for all times?  Few get to be both; that's why I'd rather shake this pen around than an etched sword that'll rust, the sword and the owner forgotten in the rewriting of the historical fiction that records our next epic adventures.  Live to write another day, that's one of my mottoes scratched as a mantra on my daily sand mandalas.

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