09 March 2010

Removal Of This Bear Warning Sign Is Punishable By A Death By Bear Sign

Some friends of mine from the area I know as the Middle East have frequently asked me to divulge the information I have concerning the facts leading up to the events that occurred in the United States of America on the 11th of September, 2001.  They are willing to trade concessions for facts.  If I will share data, they might nudge Iran into being a little more cooperative internationally.

Having friends from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Florida who all compiled a compost heap of data for me over the years, I have obtained information that contradicts information that contradicts information that contradicts information that ... well, you get the contradiction, I'm sure.

What is a fact?  We've looked at that question many times, haven't we?  Perspective, implication, belief - these all influence what you call a fact.

Thus, to divulge information would mean I would have to present facts from one or more perspectives, which would imply a certain image (or images) whose interpretation(s) would depend on your beliefs.

Fact: Many airplanes did not meet their stated flight plan objectives on 9/11/01.

Fact: Many airplanes did meet their stated flight plan objectives on 9/11/01.

Fact: While using 9/11/01 as a rallying cry to drum up support for war, President George W. Bush had not made up his mind whether to attack Iraq.

Fact: The U.S. military and its private contractors had spent months putting assets into place to attack Iraq before President Bush's public announcement to attack.

Fact: One person's terrorist group is another person's fight for the recognition of the right to exist.

Fact: Saudi Arabia is officially a friend of the USA (oil and regional stability speak louder than words).

Fact: Osama bin Laden and his extended family are associated with Saudi Arabia.

Fact: Osama bin Laden has never been officially captured by the USA and Saudi Arabia (or Saudi Arabian families) has never been severely punished for the fact that most of the hijackers of 9/11/01 officially held Saudi citizenship.

Fact: History belongs to the successful aggressor and its allowance of freedom of speech.

Fact: I support both the majority and minorities within a plurality but know who butters my bread; thus, in this case, my hands are tied, my lips are sealed and some facts will go silently with me to my grave.  I know this means Iran will have a stronger bargaining position because of my silence but it also means others who have a different perspective on the situation can reveal facts that I cannot if we want to deal frankly with the Iranian leaders in the public arena.

History is rewritten constantly - nothing is permanent.  The USA can become a former empire like many European countries or it can find ways to strengthen its longterm global credibility without the use of shortterm military coercion and still remain strong.  "Walk softly and carry a big stick" is still apropos.  In fact, China is using that phrase against the USA just as the USA used that phrase against others in the past.

Just because you took the bear warning sign down doesn't mean the bears have left the woods.  In other words, just because you didn't see a bear warning sign doesn't mean the woods are safe - you're at the mercy of someone who forgot to put up a warning sign, didn't know to put up the warning sign or maliciously removed the warning sign - nothing is what it seems.  Live in blissful ignorance, if you want - I look for signs you can see if you know what you're looking for, like footprints in the mud, scratches on trees or scat on the trail.

We may just be states of energy but those states of energy like to hold together in rather consistent forms.  Know the consistent patterns of your misbehaving child and you know what that adult child will do later on - ultimately, you are responsible for your offspring and I will hold you accountable because, remember, I don't tolerate intolerance ... in any form.  You have the child, you pay the price for the child's behaviour - a simple fact we can both understand and deal with.  I'll deal with you later.  That's a fact.

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