24 March 2010

The Experiment Called Your Life

How often do you convince yourself that an external force keeps you from being you?

Well, this blog entry has nothing to do with the previous sentence.

Well, this blog entry has nothing to do with the previous sentence.

Well, this blog entry has sentences to do with the previous nothing.

Is there anything logical about the observed universe?

Is there anything universal about the observed logic?

Is anything there?

Can you observe anything?

How do you push yourself along when you're squatting like a stubborn donkey?

Are you a mule?

Are you a stool pigeon?

If the pursuit of wealth makes you happy, will you be happy when you stop pursuing and spend time simply enjoying your wealth?

Financial wizards keep upping the size of the retirement carrot in front of the donkey.  Isn't it time you figured out that standards of living are imaginary and you can live any life you choose (or don't choose), given the amount of money available to you?

Happiness is a number of atoms.  Happiness is being alive.  We never know the happiness of being alive until we get that temporary reprieve some have received in momentary deathlike states.

Find the happiness in being alive and nothing else will matter.  No need for second homes, second automobiles, secondhand automobiles, the latest disposable gadget, or even the necessities of life you thought were so essential to you yesterday.

Happiness is the image you want to look at everyday - the image of you reflected back to you.  I found that image when I was in the crib, lost it again, found it again, lost it again, found it again, and wonder why I spend time here when my happiness makes me want to sit still and listen to the sounds of the forest today.

Excellent observation, Rick.  I'm going to stop blogging for a few days and enjoy life at its simplest happiness.  I don't need complex interactions to justify my existence to you just because I actually enjoy being me in the moment.  You enjoyed your life before I came along - why don't you and I enjoy life away from this blog and other electronic devices for a while?

See what life was like before we developed language!  The happiness of a newborn baby, satisfactorily warm and full of food.

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