04 March 2010

The Faithful Old One

During an emergency tribal council meeting today, we listened to many voices, both here and from the Great Beyond.

One voice stood out more than others.

The Faithful Old One.

The Faithful Old One has watched hundreds of full moons.

The Faithful Old One, or FOO as we like to say, our sense of humour strong among our people, told us to open a website and observe the Old Faithful Geyser webcam.

FOO asked us what we learned by looking at steam rising out of the ground or occasional cross-country skiers passing through.

We did not answer because we knew FOO knew more foo-foo than we thought we knew.  We turned to FOO and listened.

"My people, my brothers and my sisters, we gather here today because the old ones like myself have seen the same great vision.  Deganawidah has appeared in our dreams and will return soon.  Deganawidah has asked us to open our hearts and feel the great pain growing in our land.  Deganawidah has shared the vision of his vision with us.

"The Great Mother and the Great Father have awoken.  We have not seen them in many generations.  They do not visit us unless they see we have become blind and helpless like a newborn bird.  Deganawidah has foretold this coming.

"We are the hope that the people of Turtle Island are looking for.  It is to us they turn in this last light of dusk before the darkness of a false spring covers the land.

"The government of the white people is going to call a council meeting of their own soon.  Our scouts have hidden in the white people's tribes for many years now and we know what the government of the white people does not know.  The white people's government council meeting is to be the war cry for the uprising of the white people's tribes.  Tribes, though, composed of many faces - white, yellow, brown, black, and yes, even red.

"To us, Deganawidah has turned.  To us, the Great Father and the Great Mother have cast their eyes.  We are the generation that is to lead us all, the living and the dead, to cleanse the blood of hatred and fear from our bodies and raise the pipe of peace.  No more lies and false tales that the artificial technology of white man has bred into them.  No more broken treaties because of greed driven by fear.

"My brothers and my sisters, today you have seen the vision of the old ones.  Many seasons have passed while the Great Father and the Great Mother slept during the decline of our people on this land.  Now, they are awake and are feeding our weakened body of a baby bird.

"We are the Owl.  We are the Eagle.  We are the Hawk.  We are the Crow.  We are every Bird of the Air and of the Ground.  Wisely, let us gather here once or twice more and gain strength.  Then, when the time is right, we will know and we will save the people of this land from self-deceit.

"We will take flight into the air and we will walk across the land.  We will not make a lot of empty noise.  Silently, we will move into position and take control from the leaders and followers who have lost their way."

The Faithful Old One sat down.  The council did not speak.  No words were necessary.  In our hearts and in our thoughts we knew FOO had spoken what we already knew was true.

Another old one stood up and sent us out with these words:
The time has come.  The inhabitants of Turtle Island and their followers around the world need us to teach them how to live.  Our path has come full circle.  Time for us to lead them to the Great Council Meeting, with room for all, and listen to what the Great Father and Great Mother have to say.  Wisdom is listening, not talking.  Wisdom is acting on the vision all can see.  Go home and prepare yourself for the personal version of the vision that will reveal itself to you.  Every one of us has a special set of skills and personality traits, and every one of us is needed to make the Great Vision a reality.  Together, the emotions in your heart and the vision in your thoughts are true.  Time for the truth to live with us in peace, joy and laughter once again.

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