15 March 2010

No Longer Economically Viable

To dig into the mysteries of the curvature of space, to see a straight line does not exist, to pull apart equations and understand variables one by one...

To want our species to unite as one, ignoring the pleas and demands of countries and corporations...

To empower us individually within our subcultural niches and crannies, allowing our cultural practices to blend with one another at the edges, while others stay deeply mired in the middle, avoiding culture clash/shock...

What to do with the radical/extremist, aggressive/assertive empire builders who don't get along well with others?

The longer I sit here, the less economically viable I become, losing skills built upon jargon and applied scientific analysis of personality trait compatibility we call the business of doing business.

At least my financial portfolio keeps growing.

If the recent Chinese government gathering required almost 1 million security personnel to ensure chaos does not ensue, what do other governments require during their legislative sessions?  In other words, since the dawn of civilisation, have we ever had peaceful consensus within a given population?

Of course not.

If the rich get richer until the next cultural revolution, especially as the rich clamp down ever tighter on freedom in a false sense of security, then what's the formula for comfortable, successful survival from one cultural/economic wavefront crash to the next?

In the discussion about the form our containers - our bodies - should take when we establish colonies on other planetary/satellite bodies, we understand we won't know the tradeoffs we make when we change our biological makeups.  New body/thought combos lead to new cultural experiences.  We don't want us to be robots or anarchic units that break apart into disordered pieces.  We want individual decisionmaking within the framework of group/family coordination/cooperation.

But life is risk.  Happenchance happens.  Within order, there is chaos and uncertainty.  Yesterday was Pi day and today is pie day and everyone knows pie are squared.

People keep killing each other with bombs but killing in the name of whom?  Warriors in this country kill to protect this government's form of personal freedom at the cost of what?  When do the means justify the ends?

My computer programmers wait for me to give them instructions but I am stymied.  For me, the end game is protecting the intellectual trust built by our global society by getting us and/or some viable form of our intellectual trust onto other worlds.  However, family, friends and colleagues have more personal ends they want me to put first and foremost.

Which is more important, species or family?

I am just one person.  I am tired and depressed about all the contradictory cultural wants and needs while at the same time I am happy to see we can reasonably consider all the contradictions at once without going to war globally over trivial matters.

I want to slam my fist down on the ground and shake up our species to listen for one brief moment, telling us to establish a global space conglomerate which will take people from all walks of life and give them new identities as nonnational members of our species who will design, build and launch a new form of our bodies into space with our global heritage/intellectual trust, letting the rest of us continue to quarrel over Earth's land, air and water rights like we always have.

Our species will find ways to survive cultural skirmishes and wars.  We'll keep redefining friends and foes.  We are self-aware and able to see not only individual mortality but species and planetary extinction, also.  One asteroid, comet or supernova away from being just another stock pot on the boil, plant and animal parts no longer distinguishable.

My life does not matter.  I am unimportant.  I do not have offspring to protect but I do have extended family to consider.  The survival and thriving of our species depends on them and you.

So what do I tell my computer programmers to do next?  If killing each other and knocking each other down with false currency prices for you to get the brass ring is more important, then there's nothing I have left to do here.  You've simply turned the Book of the Future into an infinite loop.  If that's what you want, then the book is yours as is and I can save myself the trouble of sharpening more pencils.

I'm going to look for others who don't care about national squabbles.  I've spent too many weeks paying attention to those who've put personal gain ahead of what's most important, our species as one big family.  I am no longer interested in what you have to say - you make me depressed while listening to your doubleplusminusspeak.  General news sites which spin the same ol' millennial-old tales - google, yahoo, baidu, slate, wired, cnet, bbc, abc, cbs, fox, nbc, newyorker, londontimes, lemonde, chinadailynews, timesofindia, aljazeera, independent.ie, izvestiya, etc. - have worn out their usefulness for me.

I want visionaries, not spies disguised as missionaries.  I want people focused on finding solutions, not spinmeisters exacerbating problems.  Those who wish to use the Internet for good, I welcome you.  Those who wish to use the Internet for ill purposes or stifle freedom of constructive speech and freedom of information on the Internet, you're dead to me.

Time to move into the next era of true global citizenship, where we citizens take over the reins and govern ourselves, ferreting out the wealth and riches of those who wish to control citizens by force.  Self-governance also means ferreting out any global family members who wish ill will - any means do not justify any ends.  True freedom is responsibility for self and family.

Let me put it another away - if your subculture gets in the way of our species, then you've been warned ahead of time that tomahawks will fly to meet you head on.  Your days of risking our survival without our approval is over.

The moment has arrived to tell my computer programmers what to do - spread the message that the sleeping giant of the Global Citizen is awake.  Now is the time for everyone to say "yes" or "no" at once.  You know what to do with those who say "no" - don't take "no" prisoners - we spend our precious resources on positive reinforcement.  Computer programmers, activate the network, starting ... NOW!

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