22 March 2010

The World Did Not End Today ... Now What?

Kudos to Pelosi and Merkel for keeping their positions relevant in today's economy.

[ And now, a word from our sponsor ]

Do you feel lonely and tired?  Have you found yourself in your life?  Do you feel happy and satisfied?  Do you have no idea who or what you should be or are?

We know how you feel.

In these times of all times, isn't it time you gave a thought to why you have that nagging feeling you know what's going to happen before it happens?

You see, you do already know what's going to happen.  After all, people are people everywhere.  That's why we're here to remind you you have developed a brand-new system for taking control of your life and the lives of people around you who haven't yet developed their own system of infinite power and mind control.

Normally, we would charge weekly consulting fees to tell you what you already know.  But, for a limited time only, we're not going to charge you perpetually.  In fact, we're not going to submit a bill for any amount at all.  Instead, we're giving away, totally free, the information you already have in your head.

That's right!  If you don't call within the next 48 hours, you will receive absolutely nothing from us for nothing at all.

You heard that right, folks!  We're offering this package to you with the special added bonus of you discovering your own lifetime benefit of unlimited wealth and happiness without spending any money or investing any time in listening to us or our expert panel of expert experts.

So hurry!  This offer is only good for your lifetime.  Should you fail to take advantage of this deal, you have no one to blame, not even yourself, because you made a decision, consciously or subconsciously, to do something else entirely.  And guess what!  It's okay!  You'll live a wonderful life either way!

[ Now back to your regularly scheduled blog entry ]

Some colleagues of mine have sent me their setups on several game boards - Monopoly, Risk, Life, Go, chess, D&D, Stratego, Chutes & Ladders, Operation - and asked me to guess the outcome.  Every colleague stressed the seriousness of the game, comparing it to Jumanji or Zathura in the influence the game's moves have on real life.  My colleagues want me to prove to them that the Book of the Future predicts not only the final outcome but the changes to this part of the universe every game piece movement makes.

As you know, the universe operates according to my wishes but not my demands.  Being a retired individual, not actively involved in swaying public opinion or stock market manipulation, I view this universe of mine with a sly twinkle in my eye, allowing humourous diversions to cause occasional irregularity in the form of temporary layoffs, good times, and micro-anarchic chaos.

Disposable credit card numbers, fake caller ID, disposable phone numbers, counterfeit passports, lack of a real home address - all these add up to shuffling game pieces around the globe invisibly.  What you see on the game board, as we've seen, is never what the game is all about.  We've been here before, haven't we?

But colleagues still want to know the answers I've already given them.  They're caught in a loop of unbelievability.  They cannot accept the fact that their game-changing shots are statistically insignificant when the future is already known.

That's why I tell you I'm neutral when it comes to seeing and telling you what the Book of the Future has laid out for us.

For instance, I support my buddies who say they don't believe in government handouts.  At the same time, I've built my financial portfolio on paychecks tied to government contracts and investments in government-backed securities which exist to support those who receive government handouts and use them in the marketplace to churn the value of labor units over and over.  I know that government bureaucracies rarely shrink in size but then again they feed a lot of people on this planet, keeping them happily employed and willing to buy products developed/built in part by many people who received free primary/secondary public education and postsecondary education subsidised by the government.

We live in a complex society that's not easily represented by any single board game.  Who are the pawns?  Where is Boardwalk?  Can you really pass Go when you play Go with Play-doh?  D'oh!

I'm not a liberal.  I'm not a neocon.  I'm not a conservative.  I'm neutral and independent.  My only focus is our species in total, which represents life on this planet that can spread out into the universe regardless of moral, ethical or environmental concerns, because most everything comes out of the wash looking clean.

Did I not tell you that the Book of the Future said that Obama would come out smelling like a winner?  I did not vote for him or his predecessor.  I do not care, but others do, who holds the office of the U.S. presidency.  I understand the political hierarchy necessary to keep any government system running so I vote for independents to allow myself the freedom to observe our political-industrial complex in action without any personal vested interests.

Tomorrow, the chief executive representing one of the three branches of government established by U.S. constitutional law will sign into law a set of financial constraints tied to the institution of medical health care.  The Book of the Future indicates this is only one of several goals that must be met to prevent debt-crushing blows to another world power.

Politicians and mass media criers who want to represent the emotional buildup of opposition to the political party in power will play up the failings sensed in any change to the status quo.  So be it.  The larger the perceived change, the louder the opposition yells.  Let us celebrate our pendulum-swinging political process with joy.  After all, it works well, both historically into the past and historically into the future!

While elected public officials hit the campaign fund trail to shore up support for upcoming elections, let's pause a moment and look at other issues that will make government policies lose their immediacy and become another historic moment for schoolchildren to memorise later on.

Let's consider the role of the individual: YOU.

Are you willing to insert/embed electronic equipment in your body to vastly improve your ability to communicate with others?  Are you willing to have a disposable identity that does away with any worries about identity theft because we're all temporary placeholders for personal identification information, including fingerprints and other genetic anomalies?

Can you imagine a scenario where you have no social goals tied to a name or group because, although you may experience and apply intense social-climbing skills, you have been trained to believe your ascendancy is for the benefit of our species and not for individually-named glory?  In this scenario, you still have your independence, including guaranteed freedoms like uncensored speech, but in this particular freedom case your speech would be crowdsourced with the voices of others and blended with the rest of our species' freedoms quasi-anonymously.

The Book of the Future long ago told us about these scenarios that predicted the species-wide broadband initiative we're slowly implementing to tie our thoughts and actions together 24-hours a day.

The Power of You.  I told you this blog is only about you.  Every single one of you/me/us.

When our lives are transparent, what is a "community standard" we expect others to follow?  That's the main issue we have to address that will make all other government decisions fade in importance - the hierarchy of family, community and species' standards.  Do e-citizens have community standards separate from digital illiterates?  Can a tribe be allowed to maintain its traditional ways and slaughter the last remaining specimens of a species, even if it means the end of the tribe members' traditions/livelihood?

We have reached the point where groups like the United Nations no longer represent our species well.  We must look to something more meaningful - a world council made of all of us - the complete expansion of the Internet, where tribes, corporations, nations, civic groups and independent thinkers have equal say in our mixed-mode hierarchy of daily living.

Your Voice Rules.  We know the future laid out for us.  We know we will raise the standards of living for all of us, not just socioeconomically, but also in respect to respect for one another's existence/opinion.

For instance, Apple, Dell, HP, IBM and others have the power to empower unemployed Americans using government-backed retraining/retooling to replace the supply chain stranglehold in China and build high-tech manufacturing expertise on this continent while China builds its domestic market and stops complaining about its currency pricefixing.  Tata Motors can compete globally.  Ireland can rebuild, one website at a time.  Baidu and Google can become partners rather than competitors.  And I can rest assured that our species has plans to train a new generation of space explorers.

After all, those of us with a view of the future already know what's going to happen - how we choose to freely participate in the moment is up to us because we know life takes first priority and everything else gets seconds.

See you at the spaceport soon!

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