13 October 2009

Another Look Back

In college, a friend of mine had a collection of humour on LP records, including those of Tom Lehrer, such as:
National Brotherhood Week/When You Are Old and Gray
My parents had humour on LPs by Andy Griffith and Bob Newhart. I had humour by Cheech and Chong and Richard Pryor on LPs and 8-track tapes. Guess kids listen to humour on MP3s and mobile phone video links these days. What about tomorrow?

We often figure out we aren't saying anything new when we look back, which I hope encourages us to find new humour to get us out of our troubles today.

The sky's getting darker - there's rain ahead in the local forecast here. Are mosquitoes far behind when their bellies get fatter? Time for lunch and afternoon reading. G'day, mates!

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