09 October 2009

Concentrated Fragrance Oil

Effectual change or effective change? Defective pocket change? Hidden charges? Depth charges? Effective depth? Change depth? Dearth? Hearth? Mantel? Mantle?

Now that the word is out, are we out of words? If we see that Muslims and Jews have more in common than Jews and Christians and that Christians and Hindus have more in common than Kurds and Hans, is that enough to put in one sentence to search for effective change deep in one's hidden, charged pocket?

How heavy is a skyscraper in comparison to the ice on Greenland? Is Singapore sinking faster than Hong Kong or Manhattan? Is the Matterhorn rising faster than Everest or the Andes peaks?

I broke off a crust of bread and rubbed a sensitive spot on my gums while eating it. Volcanoes and zits pop up every day. Scabs form where scrapes occurred. Scabs cross picket lines to feed their families.

We can believe. We can belief. We can tuna in canneries and vegetables in glass jars.

Rational people will believe anything they deem rational. Reasonableness is not required. Belief. Be, leaf - photosynthesize your life-giving moment.

A moon crash and a peace prize. Totally unrelated except in time. But you'll still have those who think watches and calendars are conspiratorial, the Earth is flat, no one landed on the moon and the moon is made of green cheese.

We define the future today and then figure out how to live it. We write history backwards and forwards and forget it. Categorize a mass, motivate the mass to mass and the mass will believe it exists for its own sake - categorize with care and concern for all, including those who mass, those who don't mass, those who oppose the mass and those who don't go to mass.

Effectual and effective are not the same, no matter how great or small the desired change. Time is important and irrelevant. Those who don't want change are equal to those who want change because we're all the same but we're not. Watch for those who want to be more equal than others and find the change you made but not necessarily sought. Then you'll know the difference between effectual and effective.

I don't write the rules. I write them down. I don't know what life is all about. I trust that everyone else does and go from there. The future is always bright to me because I laugh no matter how hard I'm crying. Why be serious when the absurd is so much more interesting?

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