04 February 2010

Back Again For The Very First Time

What can I say that I haven't said already or won't be saying again?  'Tis sad to see the likes of J.D. Salinger go by the wayside.  I tip my hat to his choice of getting away from it all.  I, here in the prime of my life, have decided not to abscond for the high country but to stay here with you for a bit longer so that my observations are still available to those who are willing to look around instead of me pushing my words right up against their faces.  Some of you can still find my words easy enough should you be following me on facebook (you know who you are and who I am there, don't ya?).  For the rest of you scalawags not connected with me socially in that way, I'll be sitting here at http://www.treetrunkrick.blogspot.com minding me manners but not necessarily my malapropisms or sneaky little spoonerisms. I'll be saying some things that are not appropriate for the little ones' eyes or ears but not so scandalous as to rate an adult setting - call me the modern mensch with a wee bit o' Irish and a sprinkle of English, German, Dutch and Heinz 57 swirled into my splash of Fabergé Brut cologne.  A little off-colour and a lot off-key.

I call this next story, "What's Been Keepin' You Away From Me This Time?"  The usual cast of billions, with the subplots mixed up so much you'll need more than a machete to hack your way through my hack job just a step or two ahead of you.  Watch out for the swi-i-i-sh of the branch snapping back behind me!

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