25 February 2010

The High Sunbird One Certainty Principle

Another day, a new song.  Today, let us enjoy the weather - sun, wind, storm, calm - because, regardless of our conditions, we're here to sense Earth's changes around us.

I am receiving many requests to air grievances and have honoured my commitment to give voice to those who truly grieve.  I have activated some passive voices.  I have tried to calm passive-aggressive attitudes.  I am and I have.

But I am not and I need not have.  Thus, I will discontinue the current line of satirical notes, ignoring the momentary bits of humour I recorded over the past few days...well, just one more:
  • According to some esteemed colleagues of mine, an obscure sociologist has developed a formula that applies the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle to the patterns generated by mobile phones and other trackable devices (GPS, etc.).  My colleagues then obtained mobile phone data, iTunes song buying data (which shows, for example, a sudden rise in an artist's sales often points to people attending an artist's public performance), social networking site location tracking data and face/voice print analysis data (from phones, webcams, etc.) - with this data, they tested the formula's accuracy.  The formula works.  Now the formula is part of the realtime "Sims" superprogram we use to predict people's occasional diversions from their daily habits.  Of course, we're tempted to sell this formula to corporations so they can refine their marketing campaigns to sell products and politicians alike.  Curious as to how it applies to my colleagues and me, we reran a simulation we'd ignored a few months ago.  Turns out it predicted us receiving the formula six thousand years.  Sure enough, we've already been using this formula for a while and just didn't realize it was embedded in the mix of subcultures that have come and gone over the centuries.  Four-dimensional modeling - if we only knew what we already knew, we'd save ourselves a lot of time! [as an experiment, I switched to Anapod Explorer instead of iTunes to see what effect removing a single person's tracking data causes - more as I get a clearer picture]
For those of you on a hunger strike this week, have you thought about the food you would have eaten?  What about the money you would have spent or the barter you would have exchanged?  Do you see the power of commerce?  What can you do with that power?  How about sharing your "bounty" with others?  At least that's the lesson I learned by starving myself this week, losing eight pounds in four days (down from 240 to 222 so far this year).  If I can live on less, why not share with others who may or may not provide useful contributions to society?

I appreciate all the input you have given me recently.  The trends you showed me told me that we have many long hard years ahead of us to heal our social ills and illnesses.  Based on what I've seen, I'm going back to my focus on curable social diseases rather than the chronic phantom pains that others want you to believe they can cure.  Most of what bothers us can be fixed with giving each other the little bit of attention we regularly need and that, I have seen, is easy, as long as we cycle through recognition of every subculture on a periodic basis, adding or removing subcultures as they rise and fade in popularity.

So, back to my simple tasks, such as working with those of you who want to figure out the form we want to take as our representatives who move into permanent living quarters off this planet.

Metaphors and similes - like and as we will be, eh?

Let's remember that change causes pain and we deal with the pain while we grow with the change.  Two steps forward and one step back.  Some of us will have to help those who falter or fall backward, while others keep the standard moving onward.  See us as one people, like a flowing river or a tidal pool, and you see all.

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