28 February 2010

Men's Topaz Ring, Makes 12 Oz.

Did you ever study MORTIE, the organisation that doesn't exist?  Talk about fiction talking about fiction.

I have to make sure many of my encounters in life have a random feel to them.  Sure, I'm giving my cohorts the slip but I also like variety within the moment.  I get tired of looking at planning diaries telling me what to do next.

Today, I randomly ate lunch at Old Heidelberg Restaurant with family and friends, seeing Dr. Nixon and her family at a nearby table, which was the clue the server knew that triggered the delivery of a stack of CD-Rs (CD-R = computer compact disc that one can store data/music onto).

During the normal-looking exchange of birthday presents at our table, I let the server know which bag I would drop the discs into.  Before that, I had "accidentally" punched one server in front of a colleague of mine who was acting as a random customer.  He passed a note written on a sales receipt read by the cook who then told the hostess to inform a server to deliver my dinner plate to me with the CDs attached underneath.  She was only to hand the plate to me after I passed the phrase "Zigeunerschnitzel" and then I would receive a dish covered in white cream sauce that told me the CDs were actually fake and I was to leave them under another "random" seat at the Monaco Theatre matinee showing of "Crazy Heart."

The actual data delivered to me was stuffed into a strip of red pepper that I "swallowed"; that is, I bit into the pepper, felt the USB drive inside, tucked it into a place between my teeth and gums and ate the rest of the meal until I wiped my lips with the napkin and spit the USB drive into a fold of the napkin.

I slipped the USB drive into my coat sleeve as I put the coat on and then dropped the USB drive between a cushion and arm of a stuffed chair at the Chocolate Crocodile that will be vacuumed by a "random" employee there.  The next morning, another "random" worker will empty the contents of the vacuum cleaner and pass the USB drive to a "random" customer first thing in the morning.

Or so I was told to lead you to believe by the bald guy sitting across the room from me who used the old folding napkin semaphore messaging system taught to me during a college miniterm in Writing Spy Fiction, given by a hackneyed Russian comedian who was going into a new line of work, jokes disguised as collegiate-level mathematical philosophy.

In fact, the data was written in some oil stains on the carpark surface that held microfilm which my shoes picked up and I am now analysing while typing this blog entry.

Old-school tech still serves us well in the business.  Just like we know that e-book theft is rising, we know that e-theft in general dominates both the teenage life and the underground (and commonly both).  E-data is meant to be stolen so why confuse those of us in the business about what is and what is not supposed to "stolen"?

Meanwhile, muscular thugs with nothing better to do are performing old school tactics of their own to convert some indebted middle class families into workers for "the cause."  I keep trying to tell these out-of-work, over-the-hill female roller derby gals to lay off the violence but they like to stay in shape.  Besides, they tell me, intimidation gives their skin a special glow they can't get anywhere else.  They think the Stanley Cup will reflect their personalities beautifully [blatant free (not blatant-free) advert inserted here: "the Stanley Cup is slated to make an appearance at the Alabama-Huntsville-Bemidji State "National Defense Night" hockey game on March 5th at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville"]!

I'll take data however it was derived or extracted.  I'm neutral, as you know.  If the church women's circle or the longshorewomen want to bring me information at their discretion, I'll nod, smile and be the delivery boy for the rest of the network processing possible future outcomes, incomes, outgoes or delicious takeaway.

Did you know a group of scientists has shown that large quantities of bacteria, large numbers of giant squid and other massive movements of biological substances can change the ocean currents?  Did you also know that cruise ships have been known to dump their trash at sea?  Well, now we know a little more about the future, don't we?

I've just about got the hackers off on a wild goose feather lasercut design contest and off my back which means I'll have time to put together the backup version of the "totally awesome, for sure, yes" scenario I promised you, the original version having been shredded by a four-year old who had rewired her father's electronics outlet store into a giant hackbot and figured out how to get into the supercomputer network stored in duplicate underground bunkers located in Los Alamos, Las Vegas, Huntsville, Oak Ridge and Lake Buena Vista.  Thank goodness she didn't know what she found and thus just rearranged the words and numbers in the files, turning them into a baby's nursery rhyme as a joke.

Yesterday, while enjoying cocoa/vanilla delicacies at the Huntsville Botanical Garden with the rest of the area's chocoholics, I saw some old friends, including a trumpet player and the guy who used to work for the Chases, and some new friends, including a drummer and a woman who told me, "Is it just me or is it getting hot in here," after she introduced me to her husband.  Made our afternoon meal at Wintzell's more enjoyable because James used his quick decisiveness to fix the confused kitchen crew and brought me hot Southern cheese grits with crawdad sauce.

You don't know who I am.  I don't know who I am.  I am unimportant.  I have nothing up my sleeve that you can see or use.  I am simply the messenger.

But data is power.  The more data you move, the more powerful you are.  Money is a symptom, not the cause.  Don't confuse wealth with power.  Don't confuse electricity with power.

I have told you over and over (and told you "over and over" over and over) - the key phrase here is "states of energy."  Focus on those facts alone and you will be able to say "yes" without hesitation.  You are but states of energy.  The quicker you change those states of energy, the more power flows through you and the easier you say "yes" every time the question pops up.

That's all I can share with you right now.  My supercomputer is overheating while rebuilding the "what if the species could say 'yes' even while thinking of mooning green cheese" scenario so I've got to shovel some buckets of dry ice to cool it down.  I told the team members who wanted to build cool gaming machines with overclocked CPUs that I'd need the computers when the time came and to have their übercomputers supercooled but they have spent too much time installing their lightshows to finish the simple instructions I gave them.  Watercooled is all I asked for, not retro rocketcar radiator tubing a third of them have half-installed!

To the double-head-swing woman in line at the Marriott job fair, I wish I had more time.  Same time, next time, perhaps?  Same signal, too.

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