21 February 2010


Sometimes I have to remind myself that this blog is about you.  I don't mean that in a bad way.  All I'm saying is that there are moments when I've been passed information that seems like common, everyday conversation which needs not be repeated.  However, the network of associates requires the information to circulate in order to confirm the feedback testing that goes on within the multiple loops, layers, cycles and spirals of what we need to know to accomplish the tasks we don't know we've assigned ourselves.

For instance, I know that a pretty young woman who handed me my food at Chili's tonight thought she just happened to put on a blouse with the logo "A87" from Aéropostale to wear to work but I know that the logo has more significant meaning to someone I don't know.  Let me explain.

You see, some people think that my associates use codewords or passcodes or a breakfast cereal decoder ring to encode and decode encrypted messages.  Well, as a matter of fact, some of them do.  But they're making you into a fool for believing the codes have some deep, dark meaning.  They're just playing an April Fools' Day joke on you.

Instead, by receiving information about a female restaurant worker wearing a specific article of clothing on a specific day, our network of computer programmers can plot trends about the future, showing that if enough people buy the same article of clothing, it changes stock prices, it determines the amount of available disposable income and eventually it leads us to understand what type of tree will be growing at any given location in the next 200 years because of the influence of the amount of paper money in circulation on the growth of the economy and the number of living carbon sinks (i.e., trees).

So, two facts: one, that Brandi served my wife and me at Chili's, and two, later on another young woman, this time at the Target checkout line, told us that dissolving a cup of sugar in a pitcher of warm Kool-Aid makes the Kool-Aid taste sweeter (a trick she learned from her mother) while she purchased a pastel spaghetti-string camisole. Combining the two facts, according to a quick run-through of the latest update of the software my computer programmers sent me a moment ago, indicates to me that sometime in the next year a young Hmong-American mother will decide to become an important leader of her community after being inspired by Obama's determination to turn around the economy despite being hampered by politicians who are acting on the behalf of the people/corporations/foreign entities filling their reelection coffers who want the politicians to do nothing to show that when the economy improves it was their lack of action (no major government expenditures/taxes) that made the economy better.  (BTW, while verifying the meaning of the word "coffers," thanks to a video by Kory Stamper at Merriam-Webster for reminding me that slang is slang for words, and both formal and informal usage in our daily vocabulary are equally strong factors for determining the set of words to put in a dictionary).

What would happen to us bondholders if all municipalities declared Chapter 9 bankruptcy?  You know, I'm not a gold hoarder but... no, I'm not an alarmist, either.  Even so, I'll follow this thought a little longer.  If all I had left was what is on this plot of land, could my wife and I survive?  If the governments of the Western world go bankrupt on purpose, how do they defend themselves from countries that are solvent?  What was Stephen King thinking when he wrote "The Stand"?  Who picks the articles for the Tehran Times?

I remind myself this is my world, my people, my solar system, my galaxy, my universe.  Therefore, what happens happens because I wanted it to happen.  Therefore, I need to stop dicking around with old-fashioned apocalyptic rubber-necking storylines and return to the way I really want the world of our people to follow.  With that said...

Here is what the Book of the Future will show us next.  There is no force or coercion that will make you give up your privacy, freedom or independence.  You can still do the things you want to do with the limited means you have available.  However, should you want to join the members of our species who understand we can make real progress toward a better future, together we will learn to wisely share ourselves and our resources, which is not the same as socialism, communism or fascism.  Under the auspices of the democratic republic form of government that determines the acceptable common behaviour of the people of this land on which I live with you, we have leeway in how we can choose subsets of behaviour we think best suit our personalities, families and local communities.  Let us have civil disagreements without resorting to petty namecalling or acting huffy and taking the ball home because we don't like how the rules of the game make us lose sometimes.

Let us look at the issue of taxation - would you rather have a VAT or enforce local/county/state taxation rules which already exist that should govern tax collections of Internet transactions?  If you believe in small government then what shall you small businessowners do about your customers who are good citizens who retired as public servants (court clerks, police officers, firefighters, teachers, etc.) and face the possibility of losing their pensions?  In other words, do you know how much of your business comes indirectly from public funds?  Remember, we are all one people.  Whatever affects one of us affects all of us.  You can't simply wish away someone else or someone else's problems.

An acquaintance asked me if I knew how much money that immigrants, legal or illegal, take out of our economy and send back home, which he thought drained the economic power of our country.  I don't know.  It's a question I haven't thought about or analysed so I've thrown it to my computer programmers to figure out.  If we buy foreign goods that are subsidised by foreign governments and don't collect taxes on the goods we manufacture domestically, on top of a large trade imbalance, when do the scales completely tip over?  Have they already reached a state that can't return to equilibrium again?  What does history teach us about countries that spent too much on public funding of military pursuits and other noninfrastructure expenditures without nonaggressive support from other countries and with minimum military aggressiveness by other countries (the same or different)?

I now know all the answers to the questions above and am acting on behalf of our species to accomplish some long-term goals.  There are short-term causes and effects I have already seen coming.  You can't please all of the people all of the time.  Actually, pleasing people is not one of the goals.  To know the future and take responsibility for that knowledge requires an absence of emotional response.  I am not trying to make the people happy or sad.  I am working with others to make sure our people have the time, room, and means to individually make themselves happy or pleased, if they want.

These are my words.  We are my people.  We will not disappear overnight.  We cannot make sudden major shifts in the general direction our species takes.  Words are only a small part of what it takes to make us see who we are and who we are not.

I know who we will be 1,000 years from now and I know it takes one thousand cycles of the planet around the Sun to get there - no shortcuts - 365+ days a year.  I have about 14,684 days left to help us get to where we'll be 1,000 years from now.  Not a very long time.  Thank goodness I'm only one of seven billion working together toward the same goal.

You know deep down it is our species you belong to, not a club, a clique, a country or an ideology.  Act upon what you know, not what others have taught you or are forcing you to act upon.

I like to laugh and have a good time but when it comes to our species, I will rise up in rage and anger if you stand in my way to get us to see us as one species.  I resort to obscene language, not giving a damn care if my fucking words offend you when you engage in genocidal behaviour.  I am a complete member of my species, with all my emotions available to me all the time.  I carefully use my states of energy, including those we call emotions, to nudge us along.

We are going wonderful places with ourselves as one species that you cannot comprehend in your current state.  But you have an inkling, don't you?  That's why you're here.  It's in you to see the future ahead of us 500 generations from now if you let the noise of your thoughts evenly disperse and slowly gel into one thought.  But that's a thought for a future blog entry, isn't it?  You know it is!

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