06 February 2010

Seeing What Seems Like The Seam

Living inside a book is interesting.  It's like being inside a stage set being built around you while listening to the producers argue about where they're going to get more money and the director's upsetting words because the writing staff can't doctor the script to an acceptable level for the acting crew to start memorising and rehearsing with.  And that's just the halftime show for the spectacle you're in the middle of, a sports arena hosting a set of worldwide games in honour of the political gathering that has attracted millions of live attendees and billions of online viewers.  All in the name of promoting a global communist/capitalist business enterprise that'll solve world hunger and stimulate the economy.

Some of the subplots are worth watching...  Jamaica and Trinidad trying to stay relevant in a stagnant economy.  Bolivia and Panama trading secrets.  Vietnam and Cambodia holding arms across their borders.  Jordan and Syria joining the effort to make the triangle of Judaism, Islam and Christianity one peaceful religion so they can attract investment from Buddhist and Hindu business angels.  Malaysia and Madagascar figuring out how to heal growing pains.

Do you rule the people around you?  Do you use your head, your thumb, your fist or a weapon in your (or someone else's) hands?  Do you rule by dictatorship, committee, electorates or direct vote?  Do you rule by the influence of money or the promise of fulfilling basic needs?  Do you rule by emotional appeal or rational thought?

Do you use a combination of any of the above?  None of the above?  Undecided?

Do you lead, follow or get out of the way?

Do you ask yourself these questions over and over, comparing your answers to historical figures who you felt made a worthwhile difference in the lives of those around them?

We repeat ourselves and in our repetitions we show how well we think of ourselves and those around us.

If you know we're going to repeat history, then it's worth knowing in what way we can and will repeat what others have already thought about, written about and acted upon.

It also helps if you see yourself as living in a history book that has already been written about a historic period that has already been written about a time that hasn't happened yet.  Circles and spirals.  Remember, that's the theme here.  That's what the Boy Scouts emblem in front of me teaches me over and over everyday: "Be Prepared."

You may want an expensive car and a big house with generic antiques and architectural styles that reflect the generic eclectic tastes of all your other neighbours who want to flaunt their self-worth.  You may want to stay away from websites and blogs so you can spend fun time hiking and biking in the woods, your significant other and your dog your only connections to people-based timekeeping.  You may want whatever it is you think that makes you unique, spending your valuable resources however you wish, on saving starving animals or rescuing people in a disaster.

I am here for one purpose and one purpose only, to record what I see and what others tell me I haven't seen in the goings-on of our people.  The future, past, or present moment will be included with viewpoints that aren't always mine.  I am a mouthpiece, a megaphone, a typewriter, a tipster - overall, a storyteller.  My goal is not to entertain but to inform, not to gain personal wealth but to gain meaningful insight, and ultimately to find a way to get off this planet.  In working toward that goal, I spin the webs that repeat their patterns so that those ahead of me and behind me know the types of threads out there that they may or may not have encountered.

One day, the time will come when my fingers or whatever way I use to record my thoughts will cease to function properly.  I work toward that day with every breath I take and through every beat of my heart.  I will enjoy life in many ways until then, including eating the flesh of other animals, drinking the fermented juice of grains, hops and grapes and reflecting the opinions of others who do not completely reflect my personality.  It is the way of being not me, the path I take.  I will take no other path than that one, a path that changes directions with and without my knowing why.  The Path of The Moment.  Points on a curve that slip in and around pi, the periphery, the magic number.  States of energy whirling by.

Time to let another character, similar but different, appear in this story and pretend to take over for a while...

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