11 February 2010

Drone Wars

I promised myself that this new blog would be all about you and it is.  Only thing, I have to share information with you about me in order for you to know more about you so here goes.

Do you have children?  Do you know everything your children are doing all the time?  Seriously?  You really think so?

See, I know better.  Let's take a walk in my shoes for a few minutes so you can learn all about what your children are doing.  During this lesson I want you to think about your neighbours and your friends but most especially I want you to think about what you think you know about yourself when you look at yourself in the mirror or spend time reading a blog like this.

One day, when I was young and ignorant, I thought that the world was awful.  My first girlfriend had died, my second girlfriend moved away and my third girlfriend broke up with me.  I was just about ready to call it quits in the department of romantic relationships.

Then, I was introduced to the way the world really works.  And I was told I could not reveal what I knew about the world until I had fulfilled some obligations that came with being introduced to the...well...sorry, you can't see me laughing but I'm remembering all the hilarious names people have given to what I'm about to tell you about.  "Shadow government."  "The Way."  "The Star Chamber." "Gaia."  You've heard them, too, I'm sure and probably most of you believe in one form or another of something that lines up with one of those phrases.  And you'd be wrong.  The world doesn't work the way you think, not even the way I still want to think the world works.

I'm losing my place in the story.  Let me get back on track.

There I was, having a wonderful time at my invitations-only, one-person Pity Party.  I thought about joining a monastery or building a cabin in the woods and getting away from it all.

Then, a young woman approached me.  I hadn't seen her in school before.  She wasn't in any of my classes but she seemed to know all about me and what I was doing in school.  She also knew about my recent breakup.

Over the next couple of weeks, she and I met in parts of the community where we were least likely to be seen by others.  State parks.  Abandoned housing estates.  Shutdown factories.  Any place where this new friend of mine could explain to me the workings of the world.

I remember those days because of the intensity of the experiences we shared.  From what she showed me, many of you out there have had the same experiences, some with training and some spontaneously.  Some of you know what the experiences mean and some of you write off the experiences as related to your particular subculture.

For those of you who, through intense study and understanding, were given assignments to complete or general obligations to meet, you know what we've been through.

This young woman showed me my future, every last detail of it.  By seeing my future, I saw your future, too.  In our future, I was not to excel academically, keeping my study skills just below the radar of government and business interests.  Instead, I was going to slide in and out of various job roles, gathering information, cataloging, documenting, assessing, analysing, and reporting my findings to others.  I was asked to intentionally flunk many college courses along the way but pass enough of them to demonstrate I was planning to complete a college degree to those who showed any interest in what I was doing.  I would communicate with some of you who were just like me but didn't know your personalities had been programmed to follow the same path unconsciously.

This woman asked me to read certain books (James Michener's "The Source," for instance) and learn certain archaic languages in addition to modern languages like French, Spanish, German, Farsi and Mandarin.

As time passed by in this life of mine in our global society, I have met people who were also given the task to communicate using multidimensional symbolism that changes from one encounter to the next, each set of symbols representing themselves but also pointing to how the next set of symbols will be "written," based on our copies of the multithreaded Books of the Future every one of us has in a different form, mine, as I've told you, coming from pencil shavings.

Keep in mind I am a storyteller.  My task on this world is to create wild, outrageous, mildly innovative tales that contain both the truth and fabrications.  Also keep in mind that there is no such thing as the truth because change happens.  The only truth, if you want to think of it as such, is adaptation.

To quote Jack Nicholson's cinema character, "You can't handle the truth."  Most of you can't, that is.  So you follow or create a set of common tales.

As a storyteller with access to all sorts of interesting information, I get stuff that's hard to believe, even for me.  These detailed brain scans from Bob Woodward and Dick Cheney, for instance, including copies of all their so-called secret files.  Political mumbo-jumbo, mainly.  I know some of you think it's all intriguing, the spy-vs.-spy stuff that Ian Fleming and Tom Clancy built their reputations upon, but let me tell you that most of Bob's and Dick's days are filled with boring meetings and long, drawnout discussions full of unnecessary compromises in order for them to meet their given objectives.  You'll find, should you have access to all the world's thoughts, we are exactly the same.  We use our bodies for essentially the same thing everyday.  Eat, sleep, talk, think, act.  Edith Head the Dress Doctor and Laura Chinchilla the Costa Rican president used/use their brains the same amount, albeit for different purposes.

One day, we'll watch movies of drone wars just like we watched movies about Richtofen and Brown and Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader.  We'll keep making war and keeping making movies about war, all while those who want to spread peace, love and harmony will fight their own wars and claim their own victories.

But that's not why I'm here.  I'm here to show you what our world is really all about, why some of us were given specific assignments that rarely make any sense.

Our future.  Yes, we only live in the moment.  Yes, we only imagine what the past was and the future will be.  But it's our imaginations that I'm here to talk to you about.

We fully live in our imaginations.  Every one of us.  There is nothing else we do.  Unless...

You can get out of your imaginary life if you're willing to give up life as you imagine it.  You can keep your imaginary thoughts, if you want, but few are able to keep both their imaginary thoughts and something that has no thoughts, no life, no imagination at the same time.  Believe me, I know.  Without intensive training and some seriously messed-up setbacks, I wouldn't be here as I am.  There are a few, a very few, who can do it all, switching in and out of everything all at once.  But I'm not one of those.

Like I said, I'm just a good ol' boy with a little bit of knowledge and a lot of [blessed] ignorance.  I'm part of the set of superset of systems that make up whatever you want to think you think you call the universe.  I'm also not part of any of that.  Neither are you.

I'm not trained to tap you on the shoulder and pull you out of the crowd to show you why you're not really who you think you.  I'm only trained to write about those who do and those who have been tapped, like me.

Some days I feel like I'm writing the role of a really bad part in an awful movie.  Some days I know I am.  Some days I see why I am.  Some days I just close my eyes and let my fingers fly across the keyboard or play tunes in my head that I'm still trying to figure out how to get down on paper or played on the Yamaha keyboard.

We see ourselves, generally, as one species.  I see no reason to make you see otherwise.  But you can.  You may want to or you may not want to, but you can.  Some of you are programmed to see nothing but that.  Some of you are programmed to see anything but that.

Remember, this is just a blog entry.  It's a story.  It's not real.  I do not support any theories of yours that you think describes the world around you but I'm willing to write about it if it makes a good story.  That's all I do.  What you choose to believe is up to you.  I am not me.  You are not me.  Neither one of us is Barbara Taylor Bradford or Dabir A'zam Hosna, or at least there's a very small chance one of us is.

Be wise.  See life outside your sphere of influence.  You are not alone.  The rest is in your imagination.

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